Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1840 - Don't wear that military uniform!

Chapter 1840 Don’t wear that military uniform!

“Du Jiayi knows that you may be serving in Xinjiang. This is the commander-in-chief of the commander-in-chief telling her to entrust her to come and inquire. When she left, she left two letters, one in the hands of Feng Lian in the post and one in three. Ten Mile Camp.”

Is the ex-wife of the commander-in-chief not Ms. Xiao? Ms. Xiao, who brought her son when she was in love, how suddenly she wanted to inquire about him?

He did not tell her boss about her affair, even if she reported her birth!

“You went to Xinjiang to ensure that the base construction was to go as an ordinary military officer. Du staff is your approver. He knows it is normal. Moreover, he only said that you are serving in the territory, and did not say what the troops are, etc. Information, … you, my heart is gone.”

The Major General of the Army does not want him to be irrational, especially… In the middle, there is the ex-wife of the Commander-in-Chief, Mrs. Xiao, who is in the middle of the summer, who is the most unwilling to contact Ms. Xiao.

Du Jiayi inquired about where he served. It was incredible. In the end, Ms. Xiao was entrusted by him. Xia Jinyuan couldn’t help but look up at the sky. Today the sun is not coming out from the west, but the east is falling.

“The letter does not have to be handed over to me, it is directly ruined. As for the fire in my heart, I don’t know if you really have it.” Originally, I wanted to find out what purpose Du Jiayi had. It is completely unnecessary now.

Does Ms. Xiao not regard her as her biological daughter? Ms. Xiao entrusted her daughter to work, and her daughter could only be next.

Xia Jinyuan, who was in contact with the Major General of the Army through the land navigation platform, said with a smile: “Since she was entrusted by Ms. Xiao, it has little to do with it. However, Ye Jian needs you to pay attention to it.”

“Ye Jian’s information is not what she wants to check, but her information is listed along with you as the highest confidential file. Whoever searches the system for information on Ye Jian, the military secret department will be the first time. I got to know and contacted me. Ye Jian has not entered the army directly, she wants to check and can’t find anything.”

The Major General did not worry about the fact that Ye Jian was investigated, and he was not worried that someone could find the information of Xia Jinyuan. Instead, he was worried that because of Ms. Xiao’s intervention, Xia Jinyuan would make a irrational thing.

The snow squad is not affiliated with any army. Everyone is even a black household in a certain situation. There is no black household with any identity information. They enjoy all the treatment of our military personnel during their lifetime, but if they sacrifice, they may not have a soldier to protect the country. There should be glory.

I want to check the information of the owners of the Snowy Brigade, only the Major General of the Army, even if the Commander-in-Chief does not have all the authority.

Xia Jinyuan wanted to let the Major General pay attention to it, and he said the friction between Ye Jian and Du Jia. “…I am not too worried, and Du Jiayi is very hot-hearted, Major General, you have to play with the school. Say hello.”

With the reminder of Xia Jinyuan, the frown who is frowning is cold and cold: “The mind is so narrow-minded, and in turn, the enemies will be enemies. If she dares to act on Ye Jian, her military uniform will not be worn for a long time.”

Ye Jian is the key training target of the military department. She has no fault at all for the rescue. Because she has returned a few conveniences to use her power to harm Ye Jian, the military department is not the military department of Dujia! It’s not the place where Du’s family can cover the sky!

With the novice general, Xia Jinyuan was relieved a lot, and then listened to the majors who talked about the military’s meeting between the two teams of the Snowy Brigade and the Storm Commando in the past few days. Listen, “The military decided to train two special forces for sea, land and air.”

(End of this chapter)

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