Chapter 1841, Major Long-Term Majors

“The Snowy Brigade is already, the Storm Commando is the second special knife special warfare force in China. Later, no training will be given to the local troops in the training of the two units.”

This decision is due to the development of the Internet, various eavesdropping and stealing methods directly to the high-tech, and the high-tech weapons independently developed by China in the Daqing Dian, the developed countries have already taken their sights, from the Daqing Dian to the present countries have already captured Countless names tried to approach the troops and bribe the servicemen.

The Snowy Brigade is not only the top special forces in China, but also the most mysterious sharp knife army in China. Since then, with the enhancement of the national military strength, this mysterious sharp knife special force will usher in difficult tasks again and again.

Therefore, the snow squad will also usher in a new reform.

“The reforms you made three years ago suggested that we re-discuss the discussion at the meeting and agreed that the snow squad will be divided into two teams, with the Chinese and English codes as the distinction. I agree that the two teams have two combat commands, but you still have the commander.”

Regarding the re-engineering of the Snowy Brigade, the summer military was in the form of “documents” three years ago, but the military has been slow to move because the entire reform has changed too much.

After the Daqing Diandian, the domestic discs were abruptly embarrassed, and even several pieces of information were discovered. The military immediately attached importance to and re-emphasized the reform plan proposed by Q Wang.

Among them, the report mentioned that theft of intelligence in the future will be dominated by “high-tech”. The snow squad must cut off the major drawbacks of cooperating with local troops and exist in an absolutely confidential and single form, becoming a true independent force. , a real hidden knife special forces.

Whenever the snow squad arranges training in the country, if the local troops need to cooperate, the military will directly issue orders to the highest-ranking person in charge of the local army. They will not say the number, will not say the name, and will only report a quantity to tell the local troops. principal.

No one knows what kind of troops have been trained here, and no one knows what kind of troops they have worked with, like a ghost force suddenly and suddenly left.

Just like this training, there are still local troops to cooperate with. This is precisely the most unacceptable point of Xia Jinyuan.

The result ended up with Ye Jian’s junior high school classmates. Although the boy was not sure if he was Ye Jian, he always made doubts. After he ended the confrontation, he immediately reported to the military.

With this incident, and in conjunction with the increasingly discreet activities, the military finally agreed to the reform policy of Xia Jinyuan.

Three years ago, Xia Jinyuan had already seen it three years later. It also focused on analyzing the reserves of special departments in developed countries, and clearly stated that there are too few special forces in China’s amphibious operations, and they have to train.

The Storm Commando was originally an amphibious frogman combat commando. The “document” of Xia Jinjin became a preparatory amphibious combat commando and will improve their training programs.

When Li Lannian knew that they had become a “prepared amphibious combat commando”, he was still a bit stunned. When he talked with the commander of the navy, he immediately asked, “How suddenly did such a decision? There was no news at all.”

No news has been received. I was originally positioned as an “amphibious” when I was established. How can I become a preparatory “amphibious” in the absence of anything he knows? Make him feel too hasty!

(End of this chapter)

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