Chapter 1846 is in power

I also found that Ye Zhifan’s political performance is excellent, and there is no connection with Jingli. If he wants to have a relationship with the troops, he will completely believe in saving him… It is really not a set, and it is purely helpless.

However, Mrs. Li is right, no matter what the results of the investigation, seeing is true!

After that, Du Kaiwei, who kept the courtesy with a shallow smile, kept looking at the eyes for a moment, and patiently waited for the other person to answer himself.

“Where is the head of Du, this is a question of trust and unbelief. It is just that I don’t want the little girl to interrupt her studies. Secondly, the young girl is very stubborn and has made a big mistake in the college entrance examination. It is not allowed to take the college entrance examination within five years.”

Ye Zhifan said very slowly, and said the actual situation of Ye Ying.

He did not believe that the Du heads in front of these things would not send people to investigate. Anyway, they couldn’t help but couldn’t help themselves. It’s better to go out one by one and have a good impression of “honesty”.

“I was thinking that I couldn’t let my daughter abolish. If I can’t take the college entrance examination, go to the army. I know, hey, because my family has been tired of my daughter, and my daughter’s junior high school once fainted, went to the People’s Hospital for examination. I found that there is still a little problem in the heart, and it is even more impossible to enter the army in a comprehensive way.”

“I have a heart, but I have no choice but to accept the facts. After thinking for a while, I finally decided to send my daughter to study abroad.”

However, Ye Zhifan, who had no choice but to say it, sighed a long sigh. He said with emotion: “It’s all time when I was a child, I didn’t have a good education. Today, my child’s nature is not bad, or I have a headache.”

Speaking things out, but let the head of Du’s eyes smile a little deeper. The situation is not inconsistent with his investigation. The ugliness of the family is not to be promoted. It is reasonable to say that Ye’s family’s affairs are not mentioned.

“If you have a problem with your heart, you can go through a detailed examination. It doesn’t matter if you have anything else, but it’s the little daughter’s careful thoughts. It’s a matter of love and care.” There is a sister who is more troubled at home, Du Kaiwei and I don’t think Ye Ying is very special.

“Secretary Ye can think about it again, and don’t have to answer me urgently. Secretary Ye is now in a high position. I can’t help other things. Only your daughter can say a few words into the army.”

“Also, my family learned that Secretary Ye saved me. My parents wanted to come to the South Province personally to thank Ye, but they couldn’t get away with their parents. They only had the opportunity to express their gratitude to Director Ye.”

When Ye Zhifan heard this, he knew that he was playing chess. Du Jia is really trying to win him!

Fortunately, fortunately! Fortunately, I learned that Mrs. Li had a past event and that she did not have to wait for it.

When Du Jia investigated Ye Zhifan, Ye Zhifan first investigated the Du family, but he also cautiously learned that the Du family was actually the wife of Mrs. Li, and then quickly learned about Mrs. Li as a person.

As a result of this understanding, I realized that Mrs. Li had done one thing in the past, which made him feel a cold sweat.

The Dujia old lady had a cousin who borrowed half a liter of rice to the Du family during the most difficult time of the Du family. About ten years ago, the cousin saw Du’s family developed. The cousin who had not been on the door for a long time visited the door by this matter. He wanted to give a grandson who didn’t get a good university at home to go to the back door.

When Mrs. Li agreed, she also sent her grandson to the university, and the graduation assignment was directly distributed to the most remote place.

(End of this chapter)

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