Chapter 1847 is really good

The cousin once again wanted to leave the back door, but was refused by Mrs. Li, and said: “Half-liter of Mien has returned, and the cousin will take the matter to the door. Is this what I want to do? I can’t help, I am Li Chenglan. Can’t eat this set!”

This past event is not easy to investigate, or what happened to Du’s staff. If he didn’t know, he would really take his daughter’s information to the door today.

Xu Xutu is Ye Zhifan’s official code, not radical, never risky, some people support behind, he just needs to walk steadily.

Because the mind knows that as long as he does not make mistakes, he can calm down. Therefore, Ye Zhifan is cautious and will not immediately launch anything. Even if he wants to send Ye Ying to the army, he will stabilize.

Because of his prudence, he once again avoided the minefield and did not let the Du family see suspicious things.

With the words of Du Kaiwei, Ye Zhifan left the Nanguang when the spring breeze.

Chen Dongfeng has the ability and how to, how the roots of the old man was respected by so many soldiers before his death, Liu head, strict political commissar he is even more unappealing, with the Du family in the military position, he wants to do for his daughter will never give up!

Ye Zhifan did not mention Sun Dongqing with Du Jiapan. Before he could do anything, he knew it by himself. He said that he would not even mention it.

Xia Jinyuan knew that Ye Zhifan climbed the Du family. This tree was only about three o’clock in the afternoon when he ended the training in the mountains.

Ye Jian said that he didn’t want him to step in. But as Ye Zhifan became more and more seated, he could really feel relieved. Without him in the south, he naturally had to entrust others to help him to keep an eye on it. Once he had any big moves, he could immediately know. .

It’s not someone else who is talking to him, but Xia Yiwei, who is entrusted to stare at Ye Zhifan’s nature is the secretary of the first-in-command of South Province.

“About forty days ago, Ye Zhifan saved the life of Du Kaiwei who had never dealt with his eldest brother. He returned to Nanguang about half a month ago and went to Nanguang again. His accompanying secretary inadvertently asked a sentence. Director Ye went to the Nanguang Military Region, and I guess he did have a relationship with Du.”

Ye Zhifan actually saved Du Kaiwei’s life? Xia Jinyuan’s eyebrows are slightly tightened. How come things are so coincidental?

The little fox had a tie with Du Jiayi, and Ye Zhifan took the Du family.

“Is there any investigation about who wants the life of Du Kaiwei?”

“Investigate, Du Kaiwei took the soldiers with the relevant police to clear up the Nanguang system (poisonous) village, when the appearance was just seen, the villagers spent money to ask people to buy their lives.” Xia Yiwei said very clearly, also investigate It is very clear.

The person who helped her find out the matter was none other than the one who was still taking a shower in the bathroom.

On the Sunday of the deep winter season, it is suitable for lazy lying in the bed. Xia Yiwei’s head is soft and white as a new pillow. Looking at the falling snow outside the window, the sound is charming but with a sharp voice. All of them have been put on, and our summer family and Du family have not been right. Who knows that my brother-in-law has confronted Du Jiayi in advance, and finally…”

Xia Yiwei said the relationship network one by one, it is really complicated! One sentence summed up: “Not a family does not enter a family, and the sister-in-law has a fate with our summer family…”

“I have a fate with your summer family…”

Suddenly crossing a familiar male voice in the mobile phone, Xia Jinyuan did not wrinkle his brow, and said: “Help me ask my brother, how is the progress in France?”

(End of this chapter)

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