Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1852 - One can't be less (seeking a monthly pass)

Chapter 1852 can not be less (seeking a monthly pass)

The promise of “one can’t be less” is their commitment to each other and their commitment to themselves.

However, they are the special forces who walk on the sharp knives. They are not allowed to fall off the sharp knives one day. The flashing tip of the knife just passes through their hearts…. It becomes eternal.

K7 gently smothered this promise in his mouth, and put it in his heart to remember and remember. Looking at the comrades who embraced each other, he felt that his cold heart was slightly hot.

Some people say that he is too indifferent, there is no humanity, it is best to go to the military to influence the influence, and the soldiers often live and die, maybe they can slap their faces.

He did not say “no”, and someone sent him to the army after a week.

How many years have passed? The 19-year-old medical school graduated to the age of 27 this year for eight years.

After so many years, after so long, and he never thought about retiring, never thought about going home, … the picture in front of me is more lively, more derogatory, why he left!

This is his comrade! Life and death together with the comrades!

At the end of the stacking, it was a long distance. Looking at the comrades who hugged goodbye to the comrades, the K7 first smiled in the eyes. Then, the pale face also had a smile. At the end, the lips that were rarely bent were also raised.

He walked very fast, as if to catch up with something, and when he got to a storm commando team member, he suddenly reached out and hugged it, tightly and firmly hugged, “Let’s see you next time, brother!”

However, it is the most common kind of hug, but the snowy team members seen nearby are like the New World. They stare at the K7 that has never been… never with the comrades.

I was hugged by a big whale. I don’t know K7’s personal situation and habits. He hugged the past and said: “Must be sure!!”

“Yeah.” K7 let go, the big smile on his face really flashed the eyes of the teammates of the Snowy Brigade!

The stink bug is gone?

Can you actively embrace your comrades?

by! When is it good?

Why don’t they know!

Ye Jian did not know, but found that Xia Jinyuan had a misunderstanding of all of them, and whispered, “K7 hugs with the big whale, what are you shocked? Isn’t it normal?”

“Not normal. K7, who graduated from medical school at the age of 19, never hugs people. Like the previous troops, it is the same for our snowy battalion. He has a shadow and everything is normal, but he does not like to embrace.” Xia Jinyuan explained with a low voice, “He took this step and explained that he defeated the psychological shadow.”

Wen Yan, Ye Jian carefully thought that K7 has never been hugged with his comrades, and then saw him and other comrades of the storm commando to hug one by one, Ye Jian is also happy.

It is not an easy task to overcome psychological shadows!

“Blue Bird, I don’t know how to meet again this time. You are a female soldier, and I am the most admired female soldier.” The big whale came over and could not bear a hug with the female soldier, just hug it lightly. Released, the bright eyes of the gods looked at her, and the gentle smile said: “Our team is also your team, welcome you to train often, the devil will also be very happy with your arrival.”

All the previous words Xia Jinyuan listened very well, and the latter sentence made him raise his eyebrows.

How do you listen to another layer of meaning?

Ye Jian answered seriously. “You still have a lot of skills that I have not learned. If there is an arrangement, I will definitely return to the team.”

“Ha ha ha, Cheng, we are waiting for you!” The laughter of the big whale is more clear.

Good night, good night, these chapters are getting excited!

(End of this chapter)

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