Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1853 - Don't mess, brother

Chapter 1853, don’t mess, brother

At this time they are all looking forward to meeting again, once again training together, the sea, the mountains, the plateau, the Gobi … they have all walked together, if there is a chance to go again!

The big whale is not aware of the relationship between Ye Jian and Xia Jinyuan. Now there is not so much rules between the end of the training language. Seeing her expressly agree, she will yell at Li Yannian. “Captain, do you like Ye? Jane?”

The door is big, the sound penetration is strong, and the big whale is the center point to spread around. Basically, the players of both teams can hear clearly.

Knowing the truth of a big rumor, raising your hand and stroking your own brain, … in the face of the king of Q to pick up the blue bird, big whale, your courage can be really big!

When the members of the Storm Commando heard it, they suddenly laughed and continued to be jealous of death. “Our captain naturally likes it. Do you still need to ask the big whale?”

“How good each time the cooperative training is done, there is a tacit understanding! How much do you like to be able to cooperate with that?”

The summer majors understand that the hearts of these water ghosts are highly consistent, trying to match his little fox and the devil into a pair!

The members of the Snow Field Brigade can’t do it.

“Brother, you are not very kind! This is the female soldier in our team, the front foot still looks sad, the back foot you want to take a bunch of flowers in our team, brother, let’s talk!”

“Which brothers are the biggest ones? You can’t see it and have this thought! Go, let’s find a quiet place to talk!”

Those who said these words are the brothers of the Snowy Brigade who do not know the deeper feelings, and several of them know that G3, J5, Z7 and Scouts have looked at their Q king with sympathy.

Poor, my girlfriend was dug in the corner, but Q Wang couldn’t do anything.

Z7 is not quite the same as the other ones. He is a fan of watching and watching. It’s a good time to appreciate the change of Q’s expression. Yes, it’s just because he’s “嫉妒” Q王 can see his girlfriend every day. .

Xia Jinyuan did not know the damage of his friend, and he glanced at him. The eyebrows picked up the line of sight and fell on Ye Jian. After a few seconds, Xia Major once again looked at Han Yu.

This time, the gaze can be a little provocative, and the meager lips are slightly hooked a little, … even laughed and laughed!

That smile is really a little bit irritating, like telling Han Han directly, “Don’t think that you can see my good show, you will die!”

“The stimulus is getting bigger, it’s a bit too normal.” The Z7, who received the provocation, whispered a sentence, then fell on his eyes to Ye Jian….Q King is so calm, but also provocatively Back to them a few, is it because he is not angry because of Ye Jian?

Because Ye Jian will do something to make him happy, so don’t you mind? Not angry?

In the end, Z7 Han Yu still understood Xia Jinyuan. After he was in the mind, he immediately looked at him and pretended that he had not seen anything.

J5 immediately came over and whispered: “Staying in the air, they don’t know what you are doing with the bluebird, I don’t know who is not guilty. Don’t look up, keep the style, can’t be unpleasant.”

As a man, his girlfriend is seen as a pair with another good man. He is a man who feels good and wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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