Chapter 1854 hormonal work

It’s really embarrassing to encounter such a thing, but Major Xia Jinyuan is not the same as the average person. The things that can make him feel awkward have not happened yet.

My girlfriend is matched by someone else, and it depends on whether the man has the right mind.

Li Lannian didn’t have that thought about Ye Jian. Since he knew why he would jump out?

Of course, the most important point: his girlfriend has no thoughts on other men!

In summary, he does not need to jump out.

It’s really embarrassing if you just jump out, it will make everyone feel embarrassed, and the little fox will not be able to step down.

It doesn’t matter if you lose your face, man, what is your face?

But this matter has to be solved, he does not want to make the little fox awkward.

As for myself, there is nothing angry. In addition to a snack, there is still a little bit of worry.

When you want to change your identity, you have to change your mind.

However, he still had to pretend to be in order to let the little fox know that he had encountered such a thing, and how bad he was when he saw a boyfriend who could not see the light.

Hearing words, he said: “Reassured, I still have this kind of demeanor. I don’t know who is not guilty. When they know it, I have a way to talk to them.”

“I will say it later, and now I am forbearing.” J5 said, and some people who are not very kind, want to laugh. “There is no way, you have to understand that things are rare. Moreover, the Jade Bird is extraordinary, talents and looks are top-notch.” The hormone in the man’s body, how much will end up a little bit of fantasy, you, … cough, or will it be breathable?”

Xia Major felt that his comrade-in-arms would be too knives. He hadn’t thought about it in other ways. He’s a good comrade-in-arms and he wants everything!

What is “how much will be a bit of a fantasy”?

“You are not coming to comfort me. I specially asked the knife to slap me a few knives.” The expressionless summer major stared at the comrades who wanted to laugh and forbearance. “End to the fantasy of the ceremony? You say “Fantasy to find a bird like a blue bird.” Such a girlfriend “I can accept it a little.”

When J5 heard it, he laughed directly, and took a picture of Xia Jinjin’s shoulder. He smiled and his shoulders shook. “I am honest, don’t panic, you are always waiting for it. Honest people can’t help the conscience. words!”

If you are not angry, he is really worried that he will make a dispute.

After laughing, J5 was serious: “But this also shows a problem. As long as the relationship between the two of you is not known to everyone, there will be similar things today. Q Wang, want to solve the problem of direct prohibition in my opinion. A joke between my comrades and my comrades.”

“We don’t care about men. They have thick faces and no green birds. She is a female soldier. If such jokes are often taken out, it will not only affect her mood, but also her reputation.”

“Well, I will show a state when they leave.” Xia Jinyuan, who is doing this, lightly beheaded, and his eyes have fallen on Ye Jian. At the moment, she still has to solve her own problems. The demon king stood up and finished his appearance, so he stood up.

Although the two teams are training together, the two teams are, after all, two different units. The respective captains and the members of the storm commando team must first stand up before Li Wei’s first.

Xia Jinyuan, who is a member of the military power family, knows how to get along with him. He will not let himself commit the wrong thing.

And the summer major is not going to let himself suffer. Since Ye Jian wants to know his heart, the expression in the blink of an eye… It’s so that the J5 is silently far away, the soldier is not the soldier, … !

(End of this chapter)

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