Chapter 1865 Blood Fog

The two guards stood outside. He put the two stools on the wall. When Ye Jian sat down, he directly picked up her legs and placed them on his thighs. The slender fingers gave her a moderate massage. “I just got roughly After reading, Chen Shu’s physical condition recovered well and he could be discharged in a week.”

The medical record is written in great detail. There are quite a few changes about the daily condition of President Chen. The doctors in the dangerous period of the previous week are directly guarded. Every half hour has a detailed record. He has already heard the guard and said it again. The medical record Ye Jian has calmed down a lot.

Seeing the suggestion written on the last page, Ye Jian’s mouth smirked. “Well, it’s really possible to leave the hospital. I’ve calculated that it’s almost time for me to come over and pick up Chen Shu’s hospital.”

“Two days earlier than you, the military school has a slightly longer examination time than the regular colleges.” She smiled, and Xia Jinyuan felt that her mood was very clear. “After leaving the hospital, Chen Shu can’t go back to South Province. You see me or not. Let Chen Shu live in the compound of the family’s family, and then transfer two soldiers to the guard class to take care of Chen Shu’s life.”

Regarding the life of President Chen, Ye Jian nodded and nodded. “As long as Chen Shu is willing, I have no opinion. But…”

Although he did not hesitate, he thought of the identity of President Chen, and Ye Jian’s brow was tightened. After thinking for a while, he continued to say: “The identity of Chen Shu does not seem to be suitable for places where there are many people living, especially like the family’s compound. Often they are retired and have status cadres. Do you say that you will recognize Chen Shu?”

What she said was not unreasonable, and Xia Jinyuan was silent for a time.

“When Chen Shu wakes up and asks him what he means, let’s take a look at the military arrangement.” Ye Jian turned to the investigation report of the police in the southern province. The sight had just fallen, and the smile in the grace disappeared, and the eyebrows faded. The look suddenly sharpened.

The above findings are: nurses work mistakes, exclude murder.

The word “murder” is like two bullets slamming into the heart of her heart. Her brain nerves have caused a thick blood fog in front of her eyes.

Looking up, she was staring at Xia Jinyuan with a blush at the bottom. She asked with arrogance: “Murder? Why did the military initially suspect murder?”

The Xia team told him that Chen Shu had only had a problem with the infusion, and did not say that there was doubt as “murder”!

“I also got two reports with you, only to know that the military first suspected murder, and then asked the southern police to go all out to investigate. After conducting the investigation, the police of the southern province went through a 20-day investigation and got the matter. It is indeed a “medical accident” that excludes murder.”

“And the military also concluded the investigation and confirmed that the incident was a “medical accident” and not a “murder.”

Ye Jane looked at him with a low voice and turned to the military’s investigation report. Her face was thin and she was always stretched and squatted.

When she saw the military asked Ye Zhifan this question, Xia Jinyuan clearly felt that her whole person’s anger was soaring, and her face had a strong killing that could be seen.

“Sit down and watch slowly.” Xia Jinyuan faintly reminded her hand to massage her tight thighs and calves.

At the end of the mountain training, everyone’s legs are sore that every step of the way hurts the muscles. Ye Jian rushed to the hospital and jumped from the car. The muscles of the legs were uncontrollable, and the whole person took a few steps. It is stable and there is no fall.

She is a girl who can bear, and then she can lick her teeth and bite her teeth.

(End of this chapter)

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