Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1866 - Too much to endure

Chapter 1866 is too tolerable

Too much tolerate, so that he was a little worried, for fear of enduring his head, and hurt her in the end.

Therefore, whenever there is an opportunity, she will loosen her bones and smoothly check whether there is any bone injury.

There is an old saying in the army that says, “There are many new recruits, and the veterans are sick, and they are not old and new.”

Veteran disease is more than a long time, there will be problems throughout the body, especially the knee wear is quite serious, not good maintenance will be ill, but affect the future combat.

The strength of the massage in his hand increased, the leaves felt a little painful, and the blood in his eyes gradually faded away, slowly recovering the calm.

“Ye Zhifan’s mother has been rehabilitated in the People’s Hospital of the South Province. Chen Shuwei’s stomach was sent to the hospital for rescue. Liu, the head of the regiment and the strict political commissar, ran up and down. It is inevitable that they will not meet Ye Zhifan. There are Liu heads in the report. Ye Zhifan did not intend to meet the conversation between the two political commissars.”

“The military also asked Chen Shu alone, Chen Shu said that he has nothing to do with Ye Zhifan, Ye Jian, you are useless now, and sometimes things are so coincidental, coincidentally seems to be a “murder.”

Xia Jinyuan looked a little cold and looked at Ye Jian, even his voice was very cold. “The things in the report are things that have already been investigated. What are you angry about?”

“Ye Zhifan looked at Chen Shu once, but how easily your emotions are out of control. If he is really bad, you will be more happy if you are out of control.”

“Calm can handle good things, anger will only make things change bad, Ye Jian, you need to calm down now.” After that, Xia Jinyuan did not hesitate to take the folder directly. “You need to calm down now, then sleep well.” I feel that Chen Shu is waiting to wake up.”

Ye Jian knew that his emotions were very bad. He said that he didn’t refute the half sentence. He took a few deep breaths to stop the suffocation of his heart. “Well, I will take a break now, wait for me to calm down and see.”

“I let the guards move over a folding bed, and you are resting here.” She still doesn’t look at this situation anymore. If she sees the strangeness of Chen Shu’s words, the mood swing will only be bigger. The influence of Ye Zhifan on Ye Jian is still quite large, even larger than the emergence of Ye Ying.

The guard took the folding bed and did not forget to take two beds of quilt filled with disinfectant smell.

“One person and a half.” There is only one folding bed, holding the quilt’s leaf slip proposal, “I am going to sleep, rest with you.”

She was tired enough to accompany her, and she could not be wronged.

Wen Yan, Xia Jinyuan is more than a small folding bed. “I am afraid that I will lie down and sleep directly at the foot of the bed. I don’t pick the place to sleep, you should rest.”

Last week, her aunt had only passed two times in a row. She didn’t have a day to rest in bed. She said that girls must pay attention to keep warm every month, otherwise they will endless troubles.

She has been running in the rain for two months in a row, and the snow has rolled, and now she has a place to sleep and can grieve her.

She was afraid of his grievances. He was afraid of her grievances. In the end, she was still the overbearing temper of the majors. She held Ye Jian directly on the long table. “I am not honest, I am not coming with me. You don’t know who I am actually.” Do you want to be jealous? Who can beat me?”

“Don’t move, don’t talk, Chen Shu is still asleep!” The overbearing major got on the strength, half-bently personally gave Ye Jan off his military boots, and took her coat off…

(End of this chapter)

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