Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1871 - It turns out that (important)

Chapter 1871 is so (important)

The headmaster Chen, who had been angry with Ye Jian’s mother, said that there was a sneer in his eyes. “His movement is a manifestation of guilty! It is even more obvious that someone behind Yu Pei is secretly carrying him.”

“Just a moment, I said that Cai, the director of the Tongzhou Police Department, suspected that Sun Xueqing’s martyrs were “sacrificing” and said that she had erased all her life’s deeds…, Xia Major, you should know why I am at the end. Did not directly say that I actually suspected Ye Zhifan.”

His face is already a cold summer and today, and he replied: “Because you want to lead Ye Jian to the murderer who killed her mother, because you have reached this point, you know that the identity of this murderer is definitely not simple, because he still has the ability. Ye Zhifan was guarded from a village official to become a provincial official!”

Referring to Ye Zhifan’s various species, the young masters’ dark scorpions are more ups and downs in the depths. “And I have investigated a long time ago that Ye Zhifan did find someone behind him, but it has not been harvested. It also shows that this identity is not simple. Concealed very deep!”

“There is still one thing that needs to be told that Ye Zhifan has already set up a line with my Du Jia’s head Du Jia. The Du Jia’s chief of staff and Du’s father are not right when they are young.”

chief of staff!

President Chen, whose face changed greatly, asked, “General Staff?”

“Yes, General Staff, but deputy.” Xia Jinyuan beheaded, the meager lips pressed tightly, and the coldness was even deeper. “It is quite unexpected that he has a relationship with Du.”

“Du Qiwei, the eldest son of the Chief of Staff of Du, was the head of a brigade of the Nanguang Military Region. After participating in a campaign to clean up the poisons in the whole village, he was eye-catching. Once he went out to eat, he was suddenly besieged by a knife, just to let the same meal. Zhifan saved.”

“That knife is said to be blocked by Ye Zhifan, and it will be cut directly to Du Kaiwei’s neck and will be dead on the spot.”

“You have heard about this jade, and now I have doubts about this big coincidence… Is it a coincidence? Or is it artificially arranged.”

“It’s too much fun, but I saved the eldest son of Du’s chief of staff who did not deal with my summer family.”

Rao is the headmaster of the wind and the wind can not help but take a breath of air, “You mean to say … … Yupei people know that Du and Xia Jia do not deal with, so deliberately let Ye Zhifan take Du family! ”

“Well, I didn’t think about it, or you mentioned ‘Jade’ to make me doubt. Ye Jian was adopted by Ye Zhifan’s family. It wasn’t a fight, it was a waste of a smart girl. ”

“Chen Shu, what does this mean? It is said that someone has instructed Ye Zhifan to raise the leaf Jane!”

“Deliberately let the comrade-in-arms who had worked with Sun Xueqing’s martyr a soldier to tell him that Ye Jian was in the water, that is, the person did not want others to know the existence of Ye Jian.”

“But the man has scruples and has to keep Ye Jian. But he is very reluctant, even if he keeps, he only wants to see a waste-like leaf, so he instructed Ye Zhifan to waste the leaf.”

Xia Jinyuan is horrible. His logical thinking and analytical ability are rigorous enough to be like a net. As long as he is netted by him, as long as he puts everything together, nothing will be mistaken by him.

However, the words that President Chen and Director Cai had said together, combined with Ye Zhifan’s guesses one after another, came out one after another in his mouth, not whimsical, but rationally based on facts, and then analyzed one by one. !

Today, I took the baby, updated a little less, updated a little less, good night.

(End of this chapter)

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