Chapter 1872 is really vicious

Xia Jinyuan’s analysis is like a thunder, one by one, and the principal is sitting on the bedside of the bed. With the in-depth analysis of Xia Jinjin, he can’t sit up straight, but the thin but still rigid face. The more you look, the more dignified you are.

Born in a military power family, the elders and brothers in the family are not political or military majors. The political acumen that he possesses is definitely stronger than the veterans who are born in this muddy foot. Every word is not targeted, his speculation It won’t be indiscriminate.

On the contrary, after he speculated, President Chen only felt that his back was cold and sweaty.

He and the roots have made a mistake!

“I have made a very serious mistake with my uncle.” The handsome-looking headmaster Chen slammed the bed with one hand and annoyed: “I have always wanted the Ye Zhifan family to treat Ye Jian so much. Just because they don’t want Ye Haotou to be too good, they have suppressed Ye Ying. So Sun Dongqing will be a difficult leaf **** everywhere. If he is not playing, he is afraid that Ye Shantou will grab the limelight of Ye Ying.”

It’s not that President Chen and the roots are thinking this way. People in the village think so!

Sun Dongqing sees that others are better than their own. Other children are stronger than their own children. She does. They all think so, never thought about it in other ways.

“I heard the old man said that it was not long before Mrs. Ye was buried in the martyr of Sun Xueqing. He put a rumor in the village and said that the reason why his grandmother and grandmother died early was given by Ye Haotou. Who wants to I want to take care of Ye Shutou and beware of the mold at home! In one sentence, I will sin for Ye, so that the villagers will shun Ye Yi for a time, for fear of suffocating.”

This section has a story about Ye Jian, Xia Jinyuan has never heard of it. Under the sound of the word, the word has turned into a thin steel needle, and it is tied to his heart and tied to his heart. The pain made the handsome look suddenly distorted.

How big is the little fox? But two or three years old!

It is still a time when farming is a big group and life is insecure. A news is occluded. Whether it is a difficult problem or a sick one, it will first ask God to worship Buddha. It is said that the little fox is a child with a life, and Ye Jia is really vicious!

Xia Jinyuan, who heard the pain in his heart, was very light, and he smiled very lightly. “So, Mrs. Ye is paving the way for Ye Zhifan to adopt Ye Jian, the father-in-law…, the village. Even if you want to see the adoption of Ye Jian on the basis of the pension, you will be scared by the eight characters of “Life is brought to you.”

What is the life with grams?

To the little fox is not righteous, uncomfortable, and sorrowful, oh, naturally, it is necessary to get them to nothing!

Regarding the fact that Ye Jian was in the village before the age of fourteen, President Chen knew it through the roots.

Knowing this, he became more and more pitiful, and he was distressed by the sin suffered by this little girl.

President Chen saw that he was already mad at the school of the year, and he was very pleased.

Although the commander of the summer commander is the son of heaven, it is also a man who has a strong sense of righteousness and a gentleman’s style. If he is not there anymore, he will be confessed to the old man under the care of Jiuquan.

“Who knows why Ye Family wants to do this? At that time, Mrs. Ye’s wife will lose her heart. Anyone will sympathize with her. After she has been stunned, she will pass the leaf “ “ ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” “

(End of this chapter)

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