The same past in Chapter 1929

Open the folder, the purpose is a photo of a young woman wearing an old military uniform, she is very familiar, this is… her mother, although she only stayed with her for less than four years, she can always remember her storytelling Warm and beautiful.

Every other time, it is still so vivid.

The reception room was quiet until no one seemed to exist, and even the breathing was inaudible.

Cai Bureau looked at Ye Jian who carefully read it. When she turned the second page, she said, “The mission of the year is indeed a mission that has no return. Some people use the position to collude with the black forces. It is convenient to open the country door and profit from it.”

“Your mother is only afraid of knowing that she is a fierce person. She told us that she had a daughter in her hometown. If she didn’t come back, we needed more care.”

“Which people in the year used the position to open the country, and involved in smuggling and drug trafficking, there is still no way to find out. These people are not our power to find out, the ugliness can not be promoted, the national ugliness are the same, most of them are secret Execution.”

At that time, it was the era when everything began to rise. Some people couldn’t keep their hearts. The temptation to stop the money began to violate the original oath and step by step toward sin.

“Look at the comrades who are working with your mother to perform the task. He said that before your mother sacrificed, he used his native language to yell a person’s name, and then he was sneaked and killed in the chest.”

“This is her sacrifice…” Cai slammed his voice and silently took a kraft envelope from another pocket of the briefcase and gently placed it on the coffee table and then slowly pushed it to Ye Jian. “…ye Jane, look at it.”

It seems to mean what is inside, Ye Jian has already stretched out his hand and slammed back. He looked at the confusing Cai Bureau, and Ye Jian’s extended hand shook his fist and then released. Like the decision, I quickly picked up the envelope.

There is still a photo inside, even if it has been more than ten years old, the color is so bright, the bright red flag, some blue-green leaves, lying under the flag…, the eyes are tearful and the leaves are lips, “… …this is a photo of my mother’s sacrifice, right? Is she lying under the flag, right?”

“Yes, child, the Sun Xueqing martyrs lying down under the flag, this is the photo she took after her sacrifice.”

The voice of Cai Bureau is full of sadness. After more than ten years, he mentioned the comrades who had saved his life. It is mentioned that her sacrifice still makes him sad.

The tears slowly rolled out of the eyelids, and a drop of two drops flowed. Ye Jane looked at the photo tightly, and a low-pitched cry was heard in the throat.

The entire flag was covered on the mother’s body, covered from head to toe, only the vague body contour, she could not see the mother’s face, the mother’s body, but saw the blood on the red flag.

“Sun Xueqing’s comrades who performed their duties together before the sacrifice said that she had uttered a hometown sentence, which was very short. It felt like she was calling someone’s name. Unfortunately, the bullets were dense at the time, and he couldn’t restore what your mother said afterwards. native dialect.”

“Look at the second photo, … the second photo is a bit bloody, a **** combat dagger, and later extracting the tissue on the combat dagger, it is found to be the tissue of the human eye,”

“That is to say, before your mother sacrificed, he used this combat dagger to stab the eyes of a criminal.”

(End of this chapter)

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