Chapter 1930 is suddenly out

I don’t know why, Ye Jian’s heart suddenly shakes, and suddenly looks at Cai’s board. “The eyes of the criminals? Did you catch the prisoner?”

The voice has sharpness and urgency that she is not aware of.

“Don’t worry, children, drink your mouth first and steady emotions.” Cai Bureau quickly got up and handed the warm cup to Ye Jian. “You need to listen to me slowly, then we will find a breakthrough.”

Ye Jian clenched the photo in her hand. She took the cup and she twitched with her hand. She smashed two little, pressed the great grief in her heart, and hoared and asked: “I want to know this criminal. Have you caught it?”

“No, except for killing a few criminals on the spot, I didn’t catch the criminals who were hurt by the eyes. Later, I heard that your mother used his hometown to scream a few times when the comrades mentioned this matter several times. I found this. When he was a comrade, he told me that he mentioned it but no one cares. Someone once ran to the dormitory window and warned him not to mention it again.”

“It’s not until he retires, and he hasn’t mentioned it again. Until I found him some time ago, he told me about it.”

Ye Jian closed his eyes lightly, his face flashed a face full of flesh, the face of natural fierceness, … Sun Yaozu, his eyes happened to be the time of the mother’s sacrifice.

Mrs. Ye also said that the factory was accidentally injured in the work outside the factory. The boss also lost a large amount of compensation. The villagers said that there were also a few hundred and twenty thousand.

The dozens and 200,000 at that time were an astronomical figure for the villagers!

In his hometown, he stabbed the eyes of the criminals, Sun Yaozu… and thought of his fierce eyes staring back at his eyes, and that year he stunned himself.

It turns out that it is so!

She finally understood, and finally understood why Sun Yaozu hated himself so much, why Mrs. Ye was obviously disgusted with herself, and she had to pretend to be a kindly person. Why did she go to school at the third year of high school, and she took the picture of her father and mother, she A face of fear.

Finally know the reason!

Putting the photo of the dagger back on the table, Ye Jian, who was still quite unstable, just now the sound is cold and terrible. “Can you do me a favor? I want to get the result of the organization on the dagger.” “”

Her change was too big, so that Cai did not keep up with the Qin, could not help her, “What do you want this result to do?”

“I want to compare and see if it is the same person.”

Very light voice, full of strong suffocation, with a calm tone to say a very awkward tone, so that the Cai Bureau, the veteran who saw the scene can not help but be scared.

But his attention quickly turned away, pressing the voice and sinking: “What do you think of.”

“I thought of the time point of my mother’s sacrifice, and it just hurt my eyes. I used to wear a one-eyed mask all day. Now I have a dark mirror with dirty things all day. I plan to meet him tomorrow, by the way. Take a little back and see if you can close it.”

I got the fierce opposition from Cai Bureau. “Noisy! Once you have found this, Ye Jian, your future is completely destroyed! You give me the suspected person, I will get things done.”

She is the only blood that “Red Plum” has left in the world, and he has to protect her.

“You can’t stop me, this thing, I must do it myself.” Ye Jian shook his head, and there was only unspeakable firmness in his indifference. “This is only safe if I do it myself.”

(End of this chapter)

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