Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1942 - You are too daring

Chapter 1942, you are too daring

“I will come here, but I haven’t come yet.” Lu Xin looked at the time, four o’clock in the afternoon, and an hour before the appointment of five o’clock, “If she came from her hometown, it is estimated that it will be late, you are advanced.” sit.”

They did not think that the old classmate Ye Jian, who was most looking forward to, actually lived in the opposite five-star hotel.

The appointment time was five o’clock in the afternoon. Ye Jian came back from the hospital and slept until noon. The opposite was the Venus Hotel. She was not afraid to be late.

Looking at the inspection report, a single point out of the fax machine, the faint Yee picked up the original, and immediately called the Cai Bureau waiting for the fax.

The inspection report has been passed, and the next step is to wait for the news from the Cai Bureau. As long as the two inspection reports can be closed, Sun Yaozu’s good days are also coming.

The Cai Bureau, who got the fax, saw a column of the inspection object, and his face was a little dull. “Ye Jian, how did you get the eye tissue of the other party? What about people?”

He is worried that Ye Jian will take the other’s life directly.

“You can rest assured that I will not dirty my hands for this kind of person, people are still alive, and now I am lying in the hospital.” Ye Jian explained that she was initially indifferent and she pressed her mouth tightly, showing her suffocation like a sword. .

She glanced at the portrait of the character she had just painted. The voice continued calmly. “There is still one thing that wants to bother you. Do you know if there is a general criminal named “Sun Yaozu” in the public security system?”

“Is the eye organization belonging to this Sun Yaozu? Is it the person in your hometown?” The Cai Bureau, who had been a criminal and had a criminal investigation, keenly sniffed something wrong. “So, when you saw photos and survey data, you immediately thought of it. This person, right?”

Ye Jian did not think that she could hold the Cai Bureau, and lightly “hmm” the voice. She whispered in the depths of her heart. “I was thinking of him at the time, very suspicious, … even sure. “”

When I talked about some of Sun Yaozu’s things, Cai’s feelings were dignified at the same time, but there was no excitement at the same time. However, this excitement did not stay too long, and was immediately suppressed with caution. “Ye Jian, this time you have to listen to Cai. If the inspection report matches, you must remember to stabilize yourself.”

“We have to thoroughly investigate how he confronted your mother that year. Your mother said a hometown sentence before the sacrifice. It is very likely that she knows the identity of this person, or can say…”

The Cai Bureau lightly lowered the words, and the leaf singer who was listening to it chilled.

Or your mother has always been in contact with him, or is quite convinced of him.

If it is true as Cai said, what role did Sun Yaozu play in the past!

Mom, if you believed in Sun Yaozu, then why do you believe him?

When she was a child, her family had nothing to do with the Ye Xiangxiang family!

“People can’t kill, but they can be tried. If the test report is successful, I want to review him.” Ye Jian said softly, there is an imposing manner that they can’t be questioned. “I must make some memories from his mouth!” ”

Cai has a sweat on his forehead. “You are too daring! Ye Jian! Don’t forget, you are now a military school student, and you can’t accommodate semi-dirty cadets.”

“I will do this thing properly. As long as the inspection report matches, I will come to the South Province immediately! Why Sun Yaozu is safe and sound, live well, why your mother’s life story is completely erased, Ye Jian, you just want to know Very powerful!”

“Remember, we don’t want you to have anything!”

(End of this chapter)

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