Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1943 - Our legend (seeking a monthly ticket)

Chapter 1943 Our Legend (Seeking a Monthly Pass)

Just because she knew that she had been holding back, she had been holding back, and the group’s hatred had been locked up by heavy shackles. Now the wind has blown, and the shackles can’t lock the hatred.

The two worlds, the hatred of the two worlds, she has endured for too long!

Sustaining the blushing leaves of Jane, he slowly tightened his fists, and the shackles of the dead bones seemed to come out of the broken bones. In the end, she took a long deep breath. “I know, don’t worry.”

In order to worry about her people, she still needs to be patient. When the Cai Bureau first gets the inspection report, she will have a good meeting with Sun Yaozu.

The call was quite heart-wrenching. Ye Jiancao used lunch and lay back to the big bed. He seemed to sleep when he was chaotic, and he didn’t seem to sleep. He seemed to have been dreaming of grotesque.

A while in the past, for a while now, for a while, the two worlds overlap, when a cold sweat wakes up, holding the quilt’s leaf Jane mouth and gasping.

She doesn’t like dreaming at all, and her dreams are never a dream…

From the bed, Ye Jian knew that he was sweating and even the pillows were wet.

Look at the time from five and a half hours, I saw the leaf that was white and whitish just like the double ribs, and rushed to the shower room.

There are twenty minutes from five o’clock and the leaves are easy to cross the road, less than 100 meters from the Venus Hotel.

Lu Xin always pays attention to the surrounding, waiting to see a head high, the natural swinging figure of the arms coming from the front, the behavior is the most familiar temperament in his half a year, he could not stand even more straight, even the whole body uniform I am afraid that I will lose my instrument.

When Ye Jian went closer and closer, Lu Xin was a little faint, and there was a kind of singularity that did not wear military uniforms. There was a kind of faintness in his heart. He stood in front of him and he did not realize that he respected the military ceremony.

Standing in front of Lu Xin wearing a military uniform, Ye Jian was as surprised as other students. He wanted to ask “the squad leader, you really joined the army.” He gave her a military ceremony.

The military ritual came a bit suddenly, and the unprepared Ye Jian was reflexive and quickly returned to the military ceremony.

“Ah, do you still need to respect each other? Two, this is a class reunion, not the head of the army. Ye Jian, don’t scare our squad leader.”

A group of students who came out to meet the teacher’s teacher just saw it, and they couldn’t help laughing. The laughter was still not interrupted. A boy responded with a few quick steps and grasped Ye Jian’s hand with his hands. : “Hold a hand, hold a hand, fast, take a photo, take a photo! Is there a film? Take a few more shots! Film I will sponsor!”

“Your boy is too fine! I have been counting on you for several days. I don’t take photos, don’t take pictures, don’t give him a photo.”

“You are stupid, do you know together?” The squad leader, come and come, work hard, first help us take a photo.”

The two men who have respected the military ceremony have not said one thing. One is surrounded by boys and the other is responsible for taking the camera.

Ye Jian did not refuse, but it seemed to be lower when he took the photo.

After taking a group photo, someone proposed to take a photo of Ye Jian and Lu Xin. Lu Xin, who is still holding a camera in his hand, said with a smile. “You have so many things, there are not a few films, and you can save them.”

Ye Jian’s eyes moved slightly, and he just thought that the squad leader was aware of it.

There are still a few boys who are going to pick up the children’s teacher. I don’t have to say more here. I only take photos when I wait for the party.

At the beginning of the month, at the beginning of the month, it is the time to ask for the monthly ticket, the little goblin, your monthly pass gogogo

(End of this chapter)

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