Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1948 - Learn to be a man

Chapter 1948 Learning to be a man

“Don’t say something, but ask for nothing.” Ye Jian caressed the teacher to sit down and smiled. “I remember when I entered school, I told you.” Sometimes hiding the sharpness does not mean that it is weak, and Tibetan mastiff is also a kind. “Protection,” and you say that things are chosen, and the fittest survives.”

“I also told me that “the province is a big dance, there is a sky for students to travel freely.” It is because of this sentence that I slowly began to contact the classmates.”

Tong teacher smiled and looked at the students who remembered their words one by one. The pride in my heart is self-evident.

“I don’t want you to say that when I returned to school, I was prepared to be isolated. If you don’t let me cooperate with my classmates from time to time and join the group activities, I think my high school may be isolated in two years. ”

Not good at communication, not good at words, plus an Ye Ying, she did not imagine high school life as good.

Later, as he gradually became a class leader, he often shouted to the office to talk about it. The way Ye Jian handled things was that the girl was round, round, flexible, no longer strong like a boy, and no soft girl.

I mentioned that the smile on the face of the past teacher’s teacher was a lot deeper. “At the time, I asked you to fill in the admission information. The words that you pointed to “parents” told me that I was very distressed.”

“Your child was protecting himself at the same time, and even the teachers were full of guard. At the time, I was surprised how there would be such a deep alert, as if the teacher would hurt people at any time.”

“I later deliberately found President Chen, understand your junior high school situation to understand why you are alert to the teacher, you know that your child needs to be enlightened.”

“Now, the classmates will write it again. Everyone likes to talk to you. I also like to find you to make up for them. Ye Jian, you are very good now, the teacher hopes that you will not care what it is in the future.” Life, you will see you next time.”

“Continue to maintain an upward mentality, the teacher will watch you step by step further and higher. The teacher will talk about the topic between adults. In the future, no matter whether you step into the army or society, the relationship is very important.”

“In addition to Zhang Yueyan and Yang Yi, some of our girls are wealthy people at home, and there are many students you have helped. There is a certain relationship at home.”

“You see that today’s venue is Zhang Yueyan and Yang Yi. They don’t give me face. It is a face for you. In addition, several parents specially called me and said, thank you very much, and hope that I can Give them your contact information, Ye Jian, this is your network.”

“As long as you have been working so hard, you always stand at the height that others want to make friends with you. Your road will become wider and wider. Even if you encounter difficulties, those who have helped you will also extend to you. A helping hand.”

“The experience that society gives to your life will also give you a lot of space on the stage, and it all comes from your efforts and is inseparable from yourself.”

Ye Jian heard what seemed to be understood here. The clear eyes were slightly enlarged, and later whispered: “When you arranged me to live with Zhang Yueyan, how did the church maintain a certain relationship?”

“You know it in your heart, you don’t have to say it. This is the only selfish thing that the teacher has done.” Tong teacher saw her students to understand their arrangement at this moment, and the kind smile on the face became deeper. .

(End of this chapter)

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