Chapter 1949 knows

Touching always inadvertently suddenly, Ye Jian clasped the little thin hands of Tong teacher and said: “Thank you, teacher, if you don’t say… I really don’t know your good intentions.”

“Since I have won you from the sixth class to me, I am responsible for being a class teacher. Your achievements are already very good. The most important thing is to stand up by yourself.”

Then Tong teacher and some old urchins ridiculed themselves. “The teacher is also very proud of my heart. The smartest student in my hand has only seen it until now. After all, the student is not the opponent of the teacher.”

The warm heart of the leaf smiles at the bend of the eyebrows, the eyes of the light are clear and sly, like crystals. “You are the most powerful teacher in the eyes of all our classmates. We are not yours. opponent.”

“You will all surpass the teacher. At that time, the teacher is still a teacher, and you are not you. You are all the pillars of the building.” Teacher Tong has considerable confidence in this class because she is in front of her eyes. The student union will always affect the entire class, and even if it is separated, her influence will not disappear.

This is Ye Jian, her unique personality charm.

Ye Jane gently hugs his own teacher, whispering: “You have to be good, you have to watch all of our classmates have a good time, you will be proud of us.”

“I am proud of you now, why wait until later.” Tong teacher gave her a dress and looked at the girl who was full of spirits. There was a gentle smile in the kind wrinkles. “Lv Xin put on the military uniform and is like an adult.” It’s very masculine. Unfortunately, the teacher didn’t see you wearing military uniforms. Next time I sent a photo of your military uniform to the teacher, I want to see what your military uniform looks like.”

Just a small request, Ye Jian has no way to satisfy, whispered: “Teacher, I am sorry, I have been willing to avoid taking pictures tonight. The photos that I can’t avoid have done a little trick, not taking a positive. ”

Her words made the teacher a slight glimpse, can the military school students not take pictures? There is no such rule.

“There are some reasons why you can’t say it, please be surprised.” Ye Jian coveted and explained gently.

Although I don’t understand why, but Tong’s teacher believes that there is indeed an unspeakable reason, he smiles slightly: “The teacher knows that you are now a different college student, a soldier who will play for the country in the future, and your ability is only afraid of it. Ordinary soldiers.”

“It doesn’t matter, just when the teacher didn’t say it, study hard, and work hard in the future, the teacher will always support you.”

Being able to meet a class teacher with a lofty teacher’s morality has a very profound impact on Ye Jian, and also affects the entire high school class.

Ye Jian, who sent the teacher away, returned to the meeting. Then a group of people went to the KTV in the hotel. One of them wanted to play an all-nighter.

As for the cost issue, there is no need to consider the class. Zhang Yueyan and Yang Yi’s father are all inclusive, and the two of them want to thank Ye Jian again.

Ye Jian and Lu Xin did not drink alcohol. Finally, with the other students who did not drink, they went to the lower half to take care of those who were drunk.

What makes Ye Jian laugh and laugh is that Meng Wen holds a bottle and ran to the stage to yell that she wants to catch someone.

(End of this chapter)

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