Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1954 - Looking for a door

Chapter 1954 finds the door

After the second page was passed, Ye Jian compared the results of the two reports, matching 99.9 percent. No further investigation was required. The two reports showed that Sun Yaozu’s eyes were hedged by his mother.

Similarly, Sun Yaozu also knows who his eyes are stabbed, so he is so vicious to himself!

In the eyes of a blushing leaf Jane took two test reports and slowly folded it up. Tonight, she needs to find Sun Yaozu, and she must ask him “good” to ask him what he was doing!

Cai’s phone came along, and his speech rate was very fast. He knew that Ye Jian had received the fax and only said “waiting for his call” and hurriedly hang up.

In the heart, the **** and fierce Ye Jian was splashed down by the same pot of cold water as the words of the Cai Bureau. The pouring of a heart was cold and poured to let her reason slowly come back.

I still can’t go to Sun Yaozu. At least I have to wait until the Cai Bureau is safe and secure. She can’t let her hate in danger because she hates her.

“Let’s wait, Ye Jian, you are so good, wait for so many years, and wait a little longer.” Ye Jian, who sat down on the bed, whispered a few words, and sat still like a sculpture. No movement.

She did not expect to go back to find a friend An Jiaxin. Before she solved Sun Yaozu, she didn’t want to be close to her friends, so as not to cause her friends to happen bad things she didn’t expect.

Sun Yaozu can’t find it for a while, then look for Mrs. Ye, who has been living in the sanatorium of the People’s Hospital of South Province. The old lady knows no less than Sun Yaozu.

The sanatorium of the People’s Hospital of the South Province is equivalent to a nursing home, but it is a little older than the nursing home. The old people living in it are also home-owned assets that can afford the cost of recuperation and care.

And Mrs. Ye has a leafy musk to pay for it, and the days are not bad.

Ye Jan looked at Mrs. Ye, who was sitting in a wheelchair, her mouth was unclear, and she was arrogant, so that the nurse could do things everywhere. She sneered at the corner of her mouth and walked in, directly to the nursing worker: “Auntie, you go to rest.”

The caregiver never saw Ye Jian. When I was about to ask, the old lady Ye, who was sitting in a wheelchair, stuttered and stuttered. “…leaf leaves…leaf… Jane.”

Her mouth was awkward and she was very hard to talk to, and she was also trained by her.

“You have already been unfavorable to speak. It is better to say a few words. I have never seen you, I think it is time to look at it.” Ye Jian walked in and put the fruit bought by the road aside, and took the initiative to give the leaf The old lady handed a glass of water. “If you want to talk to you, is it better to let the aunt who cares for the person go out to rest?”

Mrs. Ye is a strong man no matter what time. When she saw Ye Jian, she thought that she should train her well, but she was helpless. When she piled up her eyes, she couldn’t speak fluently. It was all the strangeness of “ah”. sound.

Where did the caregiver dare to go, for fear that the patient she was responsible for had a problem, and quickly said to Ye: “You will come back next time, you see…”

Mrs. Ye’s trepidation looked up and pointed at the door and drunk the nurse. “Go out, go out…”

With her ordering caregiver looking at Ye Jian, he hesitated and left with the cleaning tools in his hand. The nursing staff, nurses and doctors in the nursing home knew that the temper of the 606 room was bad and they were not willing to take care of them for a long time. The old man is the hospital leader who has specifically told him that he will not take care of it.

The care worker who took care of once a week went very fast, and she could see that she didn’t want to stay for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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