Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1955 - Retribution has just begun

Chapter 1955 Retribution has just begun

No outsiders were present, and Mrs. Ye’s eyes stared at Ye Jian, and raised her hand, and the glass cup in front of the wheelchair was directly swept away.

“啪”, the glass water cup fell to the ground, the water scattered to the ground, broken glass also splashed and scattered, Ye Jian even brows have not been lightly raised, smiled: “The elderly of the stroke is still calm and a little better, frequently Be angry and beware of the second stroke.”

“I came here to talk to you, why are you angry? But when you look angry, I don’t know why I feel very happy.”

Mrs. Ye’s wife has to be strong for a lifetime, and she rarely eats losses in the hands of others. However, she can’t even suffer from the fact that she thinks she can hold her hand and hold it. The bad smell in her heart has never swallowed. Otherwise, She did not let Ye Zhifan dispose of Ye Jian when she was just able to write with a pen.

Now that I saw Ye Jian still standing in front of me, the evil spirits in Mrs. Ye’s heart could not be suppressed, just thinking about giving her a good look.

The action is inconvenient, and the speech is vague. Only Mrs. Ye can do it with a look of fierceness to express her feelings. She can’t make any other big moves.

“How are you… still…not…not dead!” With a sigh of relief, Mrs. Ye could also say something vicious. “I don’t know…where the wild species, …how haven’t…dead!”

When I was a child, Ye Jian often listened to Mrs. Ye’s wife saying that she was a “wild species” and that she would be numb when she listened. Listening at this time, still do not think much.

She looked at her with a faint look. She looked at the old lady who was strong in the past. She smiled and said: “Your appearance is really suitable for you. It’s a life-like play for a lifetime, and now it’s a real, old Your wife, you are seriously ill.”

“You didn’t let Sun Yaozu kick me to death when you did something wrong. You are really wrong. You will continue to watch and see how your family will be retribution.”

“Old lady, although you are now bad, you can still live a good life without suffering. But there is still no good life in the future, so it is not necessarily.”

Ye Jane slowly bent over, sneer at the corner of her mouth, and she looked at the opaque eyes of Mrs. Ye’s wife. The **** killings poured into the darkness of the black and white. “One kills my father.” One kills my mother, Mrs. Ye, your retribution has just begun!”

She spoke very slowly, the biting word was very light, and the light and cold like an invisible blade, so suddenly it was sharply scraped into the heart of Mrs. Ye’s heart, suddenly, the stiff muscles on the face of the old lady’s face With a pumping and pumping, it seems to have been greatly stimulated, and there are panic in his eyes.

“You…you…want to do” is not only terrified in the eyes, but even full of horror in the tone, she is afraid, very very scared.

Ye Jian, who was only trying to swindle, knew that he was right. She didn’t need to know too much. She only needed to be sure that her mother’s sacrifice had Sun Yaozu’s handwriting.

Stand up and whisper: “What do you want me to do? Just do something that your family once did to my parents and me. What have you done with Sun Yaozu, I will be honest, one One piece is returned to you.”

“…wild species, wild… kind, you are not… you are not…” The old lady in the mouth of the strong sighs made a weird cry in her mouth, and shouted in a hurry and shocked, moving, the whole person was I twitched in the wheelchair.

(End of this chapter)

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