Chapter 1956 is good to go back!

The expression of Mrs. Ye’s wife makes Ye Jian sure that she must know something about her mother’s sacrifice, and she is sure of her mother’s sacrifice and her handwriting!

Otherwise, she won’t be so scared!

If you continue to chase after the question, the savvy of Mrs. Ye will certainly have doubts, even if I want to ask something from her mouth now, I have to endure it at this time, and I need to make a sudden move.

Again, what I said just now made her misunderstand whether she knew something or not. With her own understanding of the old man, she must have an action next.

Mrs. Ye’s heart will be more embarrassing and harder. In order to perpetuate her own troubles, she will either tell Sun Yaozu today or tell Ye Zhifan so that they can solve themselves.

I prefer that she will tell Sun Yaozu the first time, and Sun Yaozu himself will sneak into himself, and let him know that he has found some things in the past, and he will certainly act with his heart.

As long as Sun Yaozu has acted on himself, the opportunity is coming!

In the past life, she did not have the ability to get back a fairness for herself. In this world, she must return the sufferings of the two worlds one by one, and return them well!

She wants to laugh at the old lady’s family, Ye Zhifan’s family fell into the mud from the clouds!

Looking at the old man who lost his mobility, but his mouth is still unforgiving, Ye Jian has a little bit of cold in his eyes, and his eyes are more and more stunned.

“You can save some effort. The person who just told you about the stroke should be calm and timid. Like you, the second stroke is also a matter of time. You have a second stroke, I hope you don’t want to So go quickly, or live the days of lying in bed.” Ye Jane said faintly, revealing the contempt that Mrs. Ye couldn’t stand the most. “The hand can’t move, the mouth can’t speak, the food and drink are still feeding.” Days, presumably you are willing to live.”

Mrs. Ye, who always thought she was high above, couldn’t stand the contempt from Ye Jian. When she heard a curse like her, she was more irritated and numb.

She really wants to stand up and beat people, slap a slap in the face and dare to curse her wild species, but unfortunately she is not even able to speak now, where can stand up.

“My father was too obedient to let you bully. Unfortunately, he didn’t see your current horror. If you see your heart, you will be happy. You have a good rest. When I go to see my dad tomorrow, I will mention you by the way. The current horror, and… what kind of misery will happen in the future.”

“My dad, my mother was killed by your family. How can I watch you live a good life, just hope that you will be tortured and live a life that is not as good as death!”

If the coolness is killing, it will be like a sharp knife slamming into the heart of Mrs. Ye’s heart. It seems to have a hollow hole, and the cold wind that blows through the heart blows away the raging anger. Then began to worry anxiously.

Ye Jian, this wild species, did not know what, did not find anything!

Otherwise, how could she directly say that one killed her father, one killed her mother.

Yes, yes!

She used to say that, but also holding photos to scare herself with Musk, Musk is not scared, seeing Ye Xinfan’s photo is scared to scream.

It must have been the last act of Muxiang that made this wild species completely suspicious. He was lying in the hospital, and Sun Yaozu and Ye Zhifan were both secretly investigating when they were fighting against each other.

(End of this chapter)

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