Chapter 1970, one report, one report

The leaves on the pile of clothes are slightly cool, slowly, and the words are chilling. “The cold to the dying of the cold can be uncomfortable, you can enjoy it slowly.”

Was reminded by Ye Jianyi, and was shocked and angry, Sun Yaozu discovered that he only wore single pants and single pants…. No wonder so cold, his clothes were all taken off by the dead girl!

No, no, this is the head of the mountain. She can’t get herself up the mountain alone… and there are people who help her in the dark!

Everyone kept chilling, Sun Yaozu hugged his arms, and his fierce eyes were not diminished. He really regarded himself as a land emperor who could not offend, and he was as big as usual. “Play with Laozi, Laozi play dead. You have no parent and no mother!”

Sun Yaozu, who has not realized that his life has entered the countdown, still has the ambition to say these things because he is rich and powerful now.

Ye Jian is nothing but a small military school student who has no protection in his eyes. She wants to kill herself? Sun Yaozu did not think about it in this regard.

Hou Yi, who was guarded nearby, heard the words and couldn’t help but lift his eyes. When he died, he didn’t even know that he was the boss.

“I am not playing with you now?” Ye Jian laughed lowly, and the laughter was even colder than the cold wind that was blown. “Your words are just what I want, I won’t play you tonight.” Death, I will not leave.”

Gently, low-speaking, wrapped in the cold wind, floating in everyone’s ears, the **** killing of the golden horse.

Sun Yaozu didn’t feel anything. Instead, he looked up and laughed. “Playing to kill me? Hahaha, just because you are such an orphan want to play dead Laozi? Hahaha, are you (he) mom laughing?”

“I have money in the South Province. I have Laozi people above. You are a small military school student who dares to fight against Laozi. Dead girl! I can kill you with a finger!”

“Let the Laozi loose first, then give the Shantou ten, Lao Tzu considers to put you a horse tonight! Hahaha, play with Laozi? Hahaha, what do you play with Laozi? Money? People? Do you have it? Ha Haha…hahaha!”

He laughed wildly and completely determined that Ye Jian didn’t dare to think about himself. He just thought so.

Ye Jian hooked the corner of the mouth, do not believe? Yeah, let’s get started.

The more you don’t believe, the more you will be scared when you get to the end. If you are smug, there will be time for mercy.

She no longer responded to the rest of the room and then calmed down. The cold wind blew through the pine needles that had iced the leaves, bringing coldness to the bones that would freeze into the blood.

After the mad laughter, Sun Yaozu still wants to wait for Ye Jian to admit his mistakes. When he is quiet enough to smell his own breathing, his eyes begin to look around.

It’s too quiet, quiet, it’s only him, it’s too cold, and it’s so cold that his joints are stiff.

There was no panic in my heart, and even the suffocation began to gradually become insufficient.

“Dead gimmick, get out of me! Mom’s roll out!”

Sun Yaozu screamed loudly, and in exchange for the silence of death, there was no more sound.

After a few more consecutive slogans, I still didn’t get a response. Sun Yaozu, who was cold and trembled, began to realize that he was in danger.

Instead of roaring, he crouched down and tried to untie the rope that tied his legs.

How can you solve the problem? It is getting colder and colder, your fingers are getting stiffer and stiffer, and there is no way to unlock the rope.

(End of this chapter)

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