Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1971 - Debt, after all, it is necessary to return

Chapter 1971, debt, after all, is still

When he started to worry, he didn’t dare to solve the rope anymore. He shuddered and yelled. “Get out of Laozi! Mom, dare to play with Laozi, you (he) want to die!”

There is still no response. There are only four cold and cold trees with him, and there are occasional shrubs that don’t know what the little animals are making.

After another ten minutes or so, there was still no movement. Sun Yaozu couldn’t help but jump up and tried to add heat to himself. He looked at him again and again. “Get out of the way! Get out! Dogs (species) Let the Laozi get out!”

The insults floated one after another, and the leaves that were not moved continued to rely on the trees to close their eyes and raise their spirits. The good play was just beginning, let him toss for a while, tossing to complete fear.

Sun Yaozu is not like the old lady Ye, who can bring up the ancestors of the 18th generation, and did not think of insulting Sun Xueqing’s martyrs. He kept licking Ye Jian and said that it is difficult to hear the words that are unbearable. Less him (mother) pretend to be a ghost, there is a kind to roll out to Laozi!”

It’s hard to hear, but I can hear that he’s not much of a sigh. The reason why he can scream, but it’s strong.

The fierce face of Sun Yaozu, who had been hurt by the scorpion, was replaced by the panic color. His eyes kept sweeping around, fluttering and rushing, looking for something in amazement, and he began to feel really scared.

Cold, too cold, there is no way to bring a little bit of heat in the place to beat, Sun Yaozu shaking a fat meat began to suspect that Ye Jian has gone, not at all nearby.

No, he will freeze to death when he stays!


You (Mom) have kind!

Waiting for Laozi, go back and not kill her, he is not a person!

I dare not stay in the same place. Sun Yaozu held his arms and lifted his legs and wanted to run in the mountains. The legs that were frozen until the muscles were stiff had not taken a step, and they were stumped by the shrubs under their feet.

How could Ye Jian give him the chance to escape the mountain?

The rope tied to his legs was the rope that had previously tied her hands, and was killed by a professional knot in the army. Only a sharp tool could be used to cut it.

After so much tossing for an hour, Ye Jian had not yet shot, and Sun Yaozu, who fell to his nose and face, was frozen to the point where he had no strength and tossed. He shook his body tightly and tried to warm himself in this way.

He still doesn’t want to die. He doesn’t want to die, he has made so much money, and he has the status today. He doesn’t want to die. He doesn’t want to die at all!

How did the waste at home not find him missing, and the bodyguards who came back at high prices all died!

All he (mother) is a waste of white rice!

Dead old woman, I will go back to take care of you, I am not a person!

Frozen to the even shaking of his head, Sun Yaozu bit his teeth, thinking in his heart, cursing cursing.

For the time being, I don’t want to see his frozen Ye Jian in a similar time. Finally, she took a step from the darkness, and the soles of her feet ran over the litter to go to Sun Yaozu, and opened a flashlight with a blue light. She looked cold and indifferent. Condescending and slightly coveted, “the taste of the frozen is not good, Sun Yaozu.”

Sun Yaozu, who was frozen to the point where he was unconscious, faintly heard someone talking. He tried to raise his eyes and saw only a blue light. As for who spoke to himself, he did not see it for a while.

“Save me, … save me…, someone… someone wants to kill me, save… save me…” He unconsciously asked for help, but there was no initial arrogance.

(End of this chapter)

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