Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1972 - Go back a little bit

Chapter 1972 goes back a little bit

Sun Yaozu, who was frozen to the lips, was aware that the person he was asking for was Ye Jian. He had only a group of faint blue eyes and he lifted his heavy eyes. He kept whispering “Save me, save me.”

The leaves, which were not moving at a slight touch, asked coldly: “Why shoot at my mother.”

“Open…gun?…What shot?” Sun Yaozu replied with his eyes closed. At this time, he had frozen to the joints and rusted, and there was no flexibility.

Like the 30th night of the year, he was directly thrown into Ye Jian in the deep snow.

Ye Jian sees this, folds a branch and turns to pick up the coat that she is stepping on, and directly smashes it to Sun Yaozu, who is losing consciousness. The coat and wool thick coat can be clearly felt when it is put on the body.

Sun Yaozu, who instinctively survived, worked hard to make him feel a warmth of clothes, and the fat body tightened and tightened, as if he had to squeeze himself into the coat.

At this time, Sun Yaozu, who can’t be alive, still has the prestige, just like there is no difference, just to fight for a meal to be warm.

Ye Jian’s eyes are more prosperous.

However, it took only one hour and twelve minutes, and she was only a few years old and she had been frozen for more than three hours!

Listening to the laughter and laughter from the room, listening to Ye Ying’s happy voice when he got the money, listening to Ye Haoxiang’s sigh of how much their family earned on the coast, and listening to Sun Dongqing’s flattering voice to her… They stayed in the warm house to eat meat and drink for the New Year, but they shouted, cried, and begged, and who would come to see her!

One foot stunned her, then threw her outside, Sun Yaozu! Tonight is your retribution!

Recalling all kinds of things in the past, in the calm eyes, the steep and cold leaves of Jane lifted their feet and slammed their feet to Sun Yaozu’s chest…. This position is where she was in that year!

One report is still reported, fair!

I can’t report it in my life. In this life, I have to go back a little bit!

Sun Yaozu, who was a little warm in the heart of the mouth, was slammed into his throat and screamed coughing. He also smashed him back to the confused.

The foot of his awkwardness is not light. If it is not fat, it is afraid that even the ribs will be cut off.

Although the bones were not cut off, it also made him hurt to bow and fall to the ground.

I haven’t slowed down from the pain, I heard a familiar voice very clearly, and asked myself coldly, “Why shoot at my mother”

A few points of the Qingming coming back because of this cold voice suddenly increased a few points, is a dead girl, is the dead girl who dared to play with him!

“Dogs…” Sun Yaozu, who is becoming more and more aware, just said two words. The rest of the words have not been said yet. The voices are raised in the ground and the screams of “ah” are issued.

In the dark blue light, Sun Yaozu’s wrist was bent by the leaf to a strange twist.

“The person I killed… definitely more than you.” Ye Jane reversed his wrist, and looked at him with a sly look. “More than you think, you said I can’t kill you.” Wrong, you need to look at my mood and use what method to kill.”

“Don’t challenge my patience, don’t delay each other’s time, you can’t afford it with me.” The sharp eyes are like the sharpest blade, and Ye Jian asks: “Why did you shoot at my mother?”

Sun Yaozu has never seen Ye Jian, like this one, a leaf that is so cold that he is trembling, a leaf that makes himself very strange.

(End of this chapter)

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