Chapter 1978 is really blessed.

Ye Jian left for a while, responsible for handling the follow-up man gave Hou Hao a call.

At about 3 o’clock in the morning, Hou Yu, after the rain, was anxious to go to the Yue family for the New Year. After Xia Yiwei fell asleep, he secretly climbed up and handled several important tasks in his hand. He had to accompany the woman who loved the New Year’s Eve. Return to Beijing to reunite with his family.

When he was working at the desk, he heard the shock of the mobile phone. When he saw the call, he suddenly remembered that there was another big thing being handled. He was so busy and forgot.

A faint “feed” sounded, and his subordinates reported the situation of Dagushan one by one.

I learned that Ye Jian did listen to his instructions, did not solve Sun Yaozu personally, and did not let his subordinates find it difficult to get down the mountain. Hou Yu’s long fingers gently licked the office, and the handsome mature face had a touch of light. laugh.

“Well, I know, I have to deal with the tails cleanly. It won’t be very peaceful in a few days. The brothers have a few days of care.” The gold basin washes hands and still has some concerns. Individuals also have to personally tell their own subordinates for a few days.

Hou Han used to master everything, so Ye Jian was only able to participate in the first half. At that time, Ye Jian told him that he wanted to solve Sun Yaozu. His suggestion was that the final finishing work was handled by him.

In the last generation, Ye Jian learned about Hou Han’s style of work through the security company’s boss. This life has been repeated many times. It is clear that this is a habit to control the overall situation of the boss. Later, he said, she nodded.

He didn’t want to trouble afterwards. She didn’t want to bother him at the beginning, but he was still in trouble. He naturally listened to his arrangement, or he became “not knowing what to do.”

The cooperation of Ye Jian made Hou Wei feel some accidents. The girl who killed the decisively refused to confess him. Afterwards, he would have a little bit of his own little tricks, so that he would be more reassured. This is because of his personality. He is also such a stink.

But she didn’t, and according to his teamwork, it made him a bit surprised.

Even so trusting him, he is not worried about whether he will not deal with it. In the end, he will lose all his money.

“It’s really…interesting.” Hou Yan looked at the phone on his desk and flashed a smile. He stood up and stretched out, and work tonight.

Trusting him so much will definitely not let her down.

Well, I still know how to get along with him. I know how to get along with him, or I can say that she knows her style and understands his personality.

If I change to someone else to know him, I will live for a long time, but she is the daughter of the sixth child. I also appreciate her, and I will be willing to help the two. This girl who walked on her own way.

“Old sixth, old sixth, your wife is not simple, your boy is really blessed. At that time, a three-man, … can go down in history.”

Lightly said, Hou Yuguan lights off the study, back to the bedroom with his own “Wen Xiang warm jade” into the dream.

Returning to the hotel’s Ye Jian, after bathing and lying on the bed, there was no drowsiness. In my mind, I thought about every sentence that Sun Yaozu said and looked for the most useful clues.

The initial chaos gradually got a hint of clues. Ye Jian suddenly sat up from the bed and picked up the hotel to prepare a pencil to write and draw on a piece of paper.

(End of this chapter)

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