Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1979 - Crashing the wall

Chapter 1979, the disaster, the wall

Soon, a figure of the character jumped out of the paper. Finally, Ye Jian fixed his line of sight to help Sun Yaozu recover his identity, and let him keep an eye on Ye Zhifan, but he was not allowed to find Ye Zhifan’s troublesome “someone”. Finally, The dark leaf of Jane has a very thick edge on the edge of the word “someone”… Can she think that this person is the person she needs to find?

Ye Zhifan took her mother’s jade and all the way up. The person who had not regained his identity for Sun Yaozu in the past for a few days suddenly took a shot and told Sun Yaozu to keep an eye on Ye Zhifan. Can she think that this person is afraid that she will not be able to master Ye Zhifan in the future, so let Sun Yaozu came forward to monitor it?

Not too right, how could he not master Ye Zhifan?

The reason why Ye Zhifan can have today is that this person is hand-picked.

By the way, Sun Yaozu mentioned “the troops”. Ye simply draws a star in the bold circle and draws a lift number, which means that if the person is still in the army, it must be a high official.

There are doubts. If he is a senior official in the army, how can he reach out to the regime?

If you say that this family member has a senior political official?

Every time I think of a question, I will write it down easily. Every time I think of a possibility, I will write it down.

Ye Jian, who has a very strong logic ability, only uses the words that Sun Yaozu said, and circles out one problem after another. He analyzes various possibilities on his own. She sorts out the chaotic events and sorts them out slowly. In the end, Ye Jian confirmed that the “this person” status is a senior officer of the army, and the family members have senior officials in the political arena.

Only the two can coexist to explain her predicament.

It seems that she needs to trouble the summer team again. I need to ask him which military generals have a certain relationship in the political arena, so that her investigation scope can be reduced a lot.

Ye Jian did not know that the Military Discipline Inspection Commission had begun to investigate Sun Xueqing’s martyr, but did not know that the Cai Bureau at this time was secretly “please” on the way to Jingli.

In the New Year’s Eve, the South Province suddenly heard the news that a real estate tycoon had been kidnapped by two foreign bodyguards. The headlines of major newspapers were occupied by the death of real estate tycoons.

“According to the investigation, the origin of two foreign bodyguards is unknown. There is no normal entry procedure. The police suspect that two foreigners are likely to have a criminal record. The police then investigated two foreigners who repeatedly indecent women in the entertainment venue and obtained relevant evidence. “”

After reading this short paragraph, Ye Jian put the newspaper that spent two yuan into the trash can. The police suspected that the target was to lock the two missing foreign bodyguards. Even the scenes took two slightly blurred fingerprints. The fingerprints of the missing foreign bodyguards are the same.

I have to say that Ye Xiangxiang has played a big role in it. Otherwise, the police will not only suspect two foreign bodyguards.

She told the police that she had heard two foreign bodyguards raise their commissions to their husband Sun Yaozu, but they were rejected. Therefore, she suspected that the two foreign bodyguards would definitely hate them!

There is a wife who pulls down the IQ, such as Ye Zhifan and Sun Yaozu, who will only be able to delay the first time.

Mrs. Ye’s wife learned that the son-in-law Sun Yaozu’s death was still unintentionally heard from the nurse’s mouth, and her heart suddenly sank.

The murderer who killed the son-in-law, Mrs. Ye, was the first to think of Ye Jian. For so long, although she was eating and drinking, she still leaned down and the old lady was shaking her fingers, pointing at the nurse who was talking, thin and faceless. She shook her lips and said, “…you, you guys, what to say!”

(End of this chapter)

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