Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1990 - Full investigation

Chapter 1990 is fully investigated

“That’s right, you can talk to the summer team, especially the big things, he can even take the idea for you.” President Chen said that after a pause, he thought again and again: “Of course, too You can’t do everything for you, you have to have your own judgment and personality.”

“After all, you don’t need to be completely attached to him.”

To put it bluntly, President Chen still does not want Ye Jian to always rely on others and lose his personality.

Ye Jian has already laughed at the eyebrows. “Chen Shu, you really make me so embarrassed, it is too contradictory. I want to tell the Xia team what I have, and I have to judge myself. Then, what do I have to do in the end.”

“That would have to be realized by myself. Chen Shu knows this too.” President Chen also knows that his words are somewhat contradictory, but sometimes the relationship between men and women is not justified, and it is all about personal exploration. .

Then I talked to Cai Bureau. After receiving the inspection report, she never contacted Cai. Then President Chen said: “When I contacted me, I just returned to Tongzhou. Now I should be at home for the New Year, tomorrow’s New Year’s Day, early to Cai. The bureau called to celebrate the New Year.”

Some soldiers searched over and had not approached, so they said with joy: “The chief instructor, the dumplings are cooked, and Deng Lianchang asks you to eat dumplings in the past and tell us a few words.”

The leaders of the army usually say a few sentences, but Ye Jian knows that President Chen said a few words. There are only a few sentences.

Hearing his words, he laughed. “You don’t really only have to say a few words, so you have to have ten sentences.”

“Tell that much nonsense, I try to say ten.”

President Chen did not agree with the answer, went to the soldiers who were looking for, and asked what kind of situation is in the canteen now. Listening to the soldiers laughing, the three people returned to the cafeteria.

The sniper base is very lively, and every face is filled with joyful laughter. At about 9 o’clock, the four landlines set up by the soldiers base began to get busy. The soldiers who finished the dumplings lined up to call the family.

There are too few landlines, and President Chen has pulled out his mobile phone to the soldiers. Ye Jian calls the Cai Bureau and wants to worship early.

After three hits, no one answered. Ye Jian’s brow was very lightly wrinkled. He was preparing to pull out for the fourth time.

The Cai Bureau, who had taken the mobile phone, listened to the beep in the receiver and answered the call. He looked at the soldier who sent his mobile phone in a faint light. “That I directly said where I am now.”

“Yes, the leader can speak, she can know.” The guard from the Military Discipline Inspection Commission nodded solemnly. “Try to let her come over tomorrow.”

Tomorrow is the first day, the phone is less than ten seconds. The face is dark and the face is dark. “Well, I immediately rushed to the earliest flight, Cai Bureau, you don’t have to be yourself, the military discipline commission is famous, you seek truth from facts. Don’t make mistakes for me.”

“You took the Military Discipline Inspection Commission as a dragon pool, hahaha, I am not only okay, but I feel that it is a good thing, you don’t have to worry too much, sleep until you wake up naturally and come back.” Cai Bureau laughed because of Ye Jian’s words. This child is derogatory!

The earliest flight was at 5 o’clock in the morning, and President Chen personally drove Ye Jian to the airport. “You don’t have to panic when you go to the Military Commission, Sun Yaozu’s business can’t find you.”

“When they go, what do they ask, you need to think about it, but you can’t let them see it, the reaction is fast, and you can’t leave a message that allows them to break, do you know?”

(End of this chapter)

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