Chapter 1991 progresses rapidly

The Military Discipline Inspection Commission is not an ordinary organ. Even if the highest generals make mistakes, the Military Discipline Inspection Commission can still handle them.

Ye Jian was also very worried before, but from the mobile phone, he heard that Cai was so stunned that he was not tired. He laughed loudly and laughed and talked to himself. Sometimes he said something, and suddenly there was an irrelevant word… …that is what he said to the people around him, but also tells himself that he has nothing to do, but his personal freedom is restricted.

“Chen Shu, my mother’s business has not been resolved in a day. You are worried about me every day. This time, Chen Shu has a hunch, and there is interference from the Military Discipline Inspection Commission….It is a good thing as Cai said.”

“Only I don’t quite understand it. It is not a day or two that my mother was wiped out by her army. How do you say that the Military Commission for Discipline Inspection is suddenly investigating now? It’s hard to be…” Shrinking the pupil, as if you found something big, your fingers could not tremble.

Suddenly, the voice was delayed, so that the principal who drove the car couldn’t help but glance at it. Then she saw her face sullen and dark, and there was a faint thunder, and she immediately asked her: “What is it?”

“Is it difficult… This person is now coming to the military department? General Staff, General Political Department, General Logistics Department, General Equipment Department? Is this person in these four institutions?”

The only way to suppress the mother’s life’s troops is to hold on to that ability, and not to be discovered!

“Ye Shutou, your guess can always scare me out of cold sweat.” Chen, the headmaster of the steering wheel, couldn’t help but steadily opened the car, too hard to look at the front, so that there were more wrinkles around the corner of the eye.” Don’t guess for the time being, the military disciplinary committee may have an answer.”

“You said that the Military Commission for Discipline Inspection did not check it. This time it was suddenly checked up. I thought it might be the summer team. But the summer team is still a major. It is unlikely that it will be directly shot…. I am afraid that it is the commander of the summer. “”

Ye Jian is wrong. “You said… Commander Xia’s response to the military Disciplinary Committee responded to my mother?”

This… this is amazing! Saying that the Xia team responded to the Military Discipline Inspection Commission, she also believed that the commander-in-chief of Xia Wanji had a reaction… She was a little unbelievable.

I can’t believe it, I have to believe that when I arrived at the destination, Ye simply saw a familiar figure standing in front, hands and hands, and the tall and straight figure stood like a mountain, and the sentinels on both sides of the whole body shook the legs. It is tight and straight.

When I saw Ye Jian getting off the bus, I waited for almost ten minutes for the summer commander to walk stride, and the golden rank on the epaulettes walked with him, passing through the cold and golden awn.

Where did Ye Jian dare to let the commander-in-chief pick himself up, and quickly ran around, waiting for a certain distance, strictly abide by the military commander, the commander-in-chief, salute, and greetings were completed like a cloud, and Shen Dantian, the sound of the voice said: Ye Jian, a freshman in the command of the National Science and Technology University, reported! The head is good!”

“Happy New Year.” Commander-in-chief Xia smiled and returned to the ceremony. Seeing Ye Jianmei’s military converge, he was more optimistic than before, and he was very happy. “You really came so early, not with you last night.” Say it? Don’t worry, it’s not too late to rest after you take a break.”

This is his son’s favorite girlfriend, and his satisfied daughter-in-law. As a father, he cares about it.

Good night

(End of this chapter)

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