Chapter 1996 is unacceptable.

The shackles are coming, and the reasoning logic is so careful that it is amazing!

However, a conversation Ye Jian actually let a big school, a major general will look at it!

It is also more satisfying to the Commander of the Summer Commander that I can no longer be satisfied!

“Your guess is really correct. Ye Jian, we invite you to Beijing. I really want to tell you that your mother’s sacrifice is really a problem, involving a big case more than ten years ago.”

After listening to Ye Jian’s speculation, Tan’s school only felt that… there are women, so terrible!

Fortunately, this woman is still in the army, and is loyal to the army, loyal to the country, but fortunately not to nourish, but fortunately… or roots are not going to take the evil road, with her IQ, if they go evil… can also Come out famous!

Since she has guessed the point, there are some words that tell her that she has no defense, and she can let her know that the Military Discipline Inspection Commission attaches great importance to the martyr Sun Xueqing.

“We have become a task force investigating the sacrifice of Sun Xueqing’s martyrs. The former director of the political department of the Linchuan Military Region, Song Shao will be the investigative team leader, the secretary of the Military Discipline Inspection Commission, Miao Zhong will be the person in charge, and the Military Commission Commissioner Miao Shuji will be the general supervisor, and the Sun Xueqing martyrs. The death begins a full investigation!”

“You have never been disappointed with the country, and the country has never given up on you! It is even more impossible for a martyr to suffer this humiliation after the sacrifice! The state does not allow it, the whole army does not allow it!”

Ye Jian stood up and respected the military ceremony of Tan University. The dark and bright eyes condensed the trust of the state against the military. “I always believe that justice may be late, but it will never die!”

This is great!

Hope has already been seen, my mother, my daughter has not been in your life for the rest of my life. This daughter can go to the Military Discipline Inspection Commission in an upright manner and tell the heads that you are not killed in combat, but are killed!

Ye Zhifan, no matter how powerful the people behind you, no matter how high you climb now, pulling you off is no longer my biggest headache!

The Military Discipline Inspection Commission intervened in the investigation and your good days are over!

More than a decade ago, the matter of more than a decade has once again been revisited. The history of dusty dust is no longer covered with dust. The truth buried in the darkness is only waiting for the “Mi Jian” of the Military Discipline Inspection Commission to open it and let the truth reappear. Tianming!

The conversation was over. Major General Song turned off the monitor and praised the commander-in-chief of the summer: “No, no! This military school is alive! I am really glad that she is a military cadet of Sanguanzheng. Going through the evil door, you can definitely be a curse!”

Too smart, smart enough to make people feel horrible!

There is no shortage of cleverness in the army. But Ye Jian is smart, not smart and intelligent, but clever in his ability to work. One thing, a little clue, her meticulous dissection, slowly combing to the end. Close to the truth!

Listening to her analysis, her guesses can make people feel cold and sweaty.

Commander-in-chief Xia does not like the last sentence, what can go wickedly, can be a misfortune, Xiaoye will not become a bad person even if he does not join the army!

“She is not an honest child even if she does not join the army. Just now she said, “I guess a lot, but I can’t believe it.” It can be seen that this is a heart-warming child with a good heart.” The future daughter-in-law, Xia Zong The commander must be maintained.

Major General Song did not know the relationship between Ye Jian and Xia Jia. He heard the words and nodded in favor. “It is indeed a child with a solid eye.” He suddenly turned the topic and said with great interest: “Old summer, this is a good seed. Even your information on your side is solid, but it must be cultivated for the Army’s “point knife.”

(End of this chapter)

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