Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1997 - First picked his black hat

Chapter 1997 first picked his black hat

Ye Jian’s conversation ended, and Commander-in-Chief Xia also planned to leave. Seeing Major General Song asked about Ye’s future arrangements. He was slightly indulged for a moment, and Shen Dao “had such a plan, but before that, the case of Sun Xueqing’s martyrs was investigated. can.”

“I don’t want anyone to use the power again, and the country will lose a good soldier!”

“Ye Jian has an uncle, and now is the director of the South Provincial Provincial Construction Bureau. She was fostered in this family. Ye Jian just said, behind the scenes, the black hand did not dare to directly kill Ye Jian, it is possible to instigate Ye Zhifan to raise her. Waste. Old Song, although the grass can not be a snake, but you can still be shocked this time!”

“Looking at Ye Zhifan’s past history, let the Chinese (Ji) Committee intervene in the investigation, first pick up his black hat! Then pay attention to who in the army will care about Ye Zhifan’s falling horse, almost can lock the target.”

“Through this goal as a coordinate, we will investigate the connections of the target people. At the same time, the leaders who control the activities of Sun Xueqing’s former troops will be the ones who killed the country and harmed the people. I can know.”

Song Major, who had considered the meeting a little, nodded. “You are talking about a way. Yes, I will have a small meeting with them. I will do a good job of planning the next steps. The Chinese (Ji) Committee is not difficult to intervene. Last year, the news newspaper began to publish reports on officials’ corruption and bribery, allowing them to go to the South Province for investigation and work.”

Ye Jian did not know that Commander Xia’s commander had let Ye Zhifan’s official transport come to an end. She walked out of the meeting room and screamed at her, like the determination to ask the guard to come over, Tan’s school, “Head, Can I ask you something?”

“Yes, what can’t you, you ask.” Tan Daxiao, who had a good impression on Ye Jian, smiled. “On your mother’s business, I can share the same with you here. Then I can’t answer it.” ”

Ye Jian shook his head. “No, no. I want to ask Cai Bureau, … is he still okay?”

She had been talking about her mother just now, and she didn’t dare to interrupt it easily.

“Cai Zhizhang, very good, rest assured, he will not have anything, but he still has to stay for a few days to become a success. There are also a few people who have a good relationship with your mother, and a comrade who has been inspected along with Cai Zhizhang did not come over. When they come over to our military discipline inspection committee to ask something, they can let him go.”

With Tan’s words, Ye is easy to rest assured.

Just as the guards came over, they followed the guards directly out of the Military Commission.

She walked fast, and Commander-in-Chief only talked with Major General Song for two minutes, and saw that Tan University came over alone.

“What about the leaflet? Go?”

Tan Daji respected the military ritual and replied, “I just left, I asked the guard to send her away. The commander-in-chief still has something to look for?”

“Yes, I am looking for her. You go to Lao Song, he is waiting for you.”

When Commander Xia listened to Ye Jian, he left alone and took the guards to speed up and walk outside.

Big New Year, he has not given her a red envelope.

As for the old house, she is not embarrassed for the time being. Let her follow her own past and be uncomfortable. Only when she comes back, she will take her to the old house to see the old man and the old lady.

Ye Jane had already asked the sentinel at the door. She knew that the commander-in-chief had not left, and she stood outside and waited. In less than five minutes, she saw the commander-in-chief rushing out with two guards.

“I didn’t go, I just said a few words with the old Song. I didn’t see you when I came out.” The commander-in-chief of the summer commanded the guard to drive the car over. He asked Ye Jiandao: “There is nothing here. Now, are you going to go back to South Province now? Or have you been playing in Beijing for a few days?”

Yes, I soon arrived at the Ye Zhifan family!

As for the end, Leprechaun, really early! No four million out, Qingyun is not fun!

(End of this chapter)

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