Chapter 2027 chaos

The 48-hour sea bounce did not make Ye Jian appear uncomfortable, vomiting, dizziness, and so on, and there was no seasickness. She did not, and other members of the snow group were even more unlikely.

They are all trained in the sea, and these states that affect the combat should not appear on them.

There is no sunshine, no fresh air, I don’t know when the night is coming, I don’t know when the day will come, and the leaves that have been compressed for two days are waiting to leave the cabin.

The port of arrival is a port in South Asia. This country has been trading with China’s military weapons. The ten members of the cargo ship that are about to enter the port snow brigade will emerge from the hopper as ghostly.

The military boots stepped on the iron sheet and gave a rhythmic “squeaky” sound, so that the leaves that walked in the bottom compartment could smell the rust dust in the air and kept drilling into the nose.

“Left, left, left, keep up!” In front, the voice of the pigeons was so low that they could only be heard at a close distance, and the comrades behind them were told to move forward quickly.

The military provided drawings of the bottom compartment of the freighter, and ten people left the escape route on the drawing.

The arriving arms trading country has a time difference of nearly three hours with China. It departed from Tianjin City 48 hours ago and arrived 48 hours later. The domestic time is 9:00 in the morning, and the time here is 6 in the morning.

The port of delivery is the military port of the country. There are heavy guards. The ten people from the bottom cabin are grouped by three people, and they quickly alternately move forward to avoid the soldiers wearing camouflage uniforms.

“Four directions, three soldiers, avoid!”

“There is still four meters from the deck.”

“There are soldiers telescopes patrolling on the shore, Group C guards, and the two groups move forward quickly and exchange warnings.”

The whole process was exchanged in sign language, and the two positions of the advance and the alert were alternated until the ten people all circled the rear of the freighter and completed the zip line.

In the early morning, there were water mists in the sea. After entering the sea, ten people swam from the sea to the shore by snorkeling. There were commercial vehicles arranged by the embassy on the shore. There were ID cards for everyone in the car.

A wet ten person got on the car and checked the identity documents first. After confirming the correctness, they quickly changed clothes.

Ye Jian is a female soldier. The male soldiers in the car are very consciously looking ahead. The three male soldiers sitting behind are blocking their clothes and then turning their heads to look out the window until Ye Jian completes the dressing.

All the ID cards and air tickets are available. Ye Jian and Bai He took the lead to enter the waiting room, and they have a short eye contact for the smooth boarding of ten talents.

At 12 o’clock in the domestic time, the plane took off on time. Xia Jinyuan looked down at the time and jumped on a convertible jeep. He used a fluent English to a brown-haired brown-eyed foreign man. He said: “Remember, You can get the goods by departure.”

“Are you sure? If there is a policeman, Chinese, you are responsible for getting it done.” The brown-eyed foreign man squinted at the Chinese man who was scorning his eyes and wanted to spend money to mad Chinese. He really didn’t mind having a policeman. Shooting him to taste the bullet.

Dressed in shredded jeans, motorcycle leather, eyes full of unruly, Xia Jinyuan, whose whole temperament has changed greatly, is not a soldier, but a Chinese-born working for guns and ammunition arms dealers.

Facing the deep provocation in the scorn, Xia Jinyuan’s one-armed man on the door of the car raised his eyebrows. When the other party waited for him to answer, he directly stepped on the throttle and pushed the car away. A long tail.

(End of this chapter)

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