Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 2028 - The comrades are coming.

Chapter 2028, the comrades are coming.

The foreign man who was detained was not wary that he would drive away. He relied on the door of the half-weight to get a few shackles, and eventually the whole person fell into the ground.

He fell and was caught in the exhaustion. He climbed up and snarled at the car that was long and gone: “fuckfuck! Damn Chinese, roll back to your country!”

“Don’t let Laozi see you again, otherwise you will blow your head and make you look good! Fuck **** it!”

The loud curse in the place has not been heard by Xia Jinyuan. Of course, if he hears it, he will not mind using his fist to beat each other. After all, he can come in with his fist and don’t mind Pull out the pistol in the trouser pocket and plug the muzzle directly into the other’s mouth and let him shut up.

Here is a privately owned country with guns, and some women put a gun in their car to prevent being robbed.

Weapons are rampant, drugs are rampant, and law and order is extremely poor… this is true in slums.

Most criminals are hiding in these places, and they live a more chic time than the rich areas. Some of the domestic triads illegally possessed guns through them.

China prohibits private possession of firearms, but there are clear legal provisions. However, in mid-May last year, a vicious shooting took place in a southern province. Although it was a gangster civil strife, it also seriously threatened the safety of the people.

After the scene, there was a bullet-free gun that was banned from importing in China. Even the official use was forbidden, but it appeared in the hands of the gang members.

After investigation by the local police, two important gang members were arrested at the end of July. After the inquiry, they learned that their arms were purchased from someone in the country, and then the Guangdong Customs spot checks a batch of laundry liquid, and even found it from the laundry liquid. Bag packed bullets!

This caused local customs attach great importance to our country within a month there are four customs have found bullets hidden in imported goods, after a police investigation found that all the bullets are all from one country to any one person.

The involvement of arms smuggling is no longer a problem that the police can solve. A large number of arms are illegally flown into our country. If we do not get control to seize the main criminals, it will bring great panic to the society.

Their mission this summer Yuan is only one: to find this person dare currency and foreign arms dealers directly.

Six people from the Snowy Brigade carried out the mission. They were still led by Xia Jinyuan. He entered the arms dealers, while the K7 and Z7 were foreign aid.

Xia Jinyuan, who whistle and screamed at the foreign man, drove the car directly to the street. When he passed a convenience home, he turned off and went to buy a pack of cigarettes.

When I came out, I seemed to throw the package and the small ticket into the trash can, and then drove the car like a bad young man, driving a jeep that didn’t know how long it didn’t wash.

“K7, get the weapons ready, the brothers are coming soon.”

K7 picked up the paper looked, holding a lighter to burn the note, then on by their work: the number of robbery smuggling of arms, and then drag the brothers came home with a mission.

Brothers are brothers. If you really have a chance, different missions can still be encountered in the same country.

Xia Jinyuan, they know that Ye Jian will come over, but Ye Jian, they do not know that their comrades are also there.

The three-hour plane arrived at the destination and then got the weaponry and boarded the sightseeing boat. The whole process went very smoothly, and it was incredible.

(End of this chapter)

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