Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 2034 - Honestly answer me

Chapter 2034, answer me honestly.

The driver has always maintained a very high vigilance. He heard the gunshot immediately and realized that what happened was that he just wanted to resist. Unexpectedly, he encountered a well-trained special forces. He would not give him a chance to resist. live.

“Be honest! I can stare at you for a while.”

The weaving finch buckled his hands and directly twisted it back to the back. At the same time, the weaving bird crawled on the ground. What stones, grasses, leaves, and what caught the hand and stuffed it into the open mouth of the other.

A driver who had fallen over his shoulder and fell into the chest had just wanted to open his mouth for help. He had a foreign object in his mouth that made him want to vomit.

The mouth was filled with stones, sand, and grass trees. He couldn’t make the sound rush out of his mouth. The throat was stunned and frightened, and he struggled to escape the uniform.

Walking up the pistol that was smashed by the weaving, walked to the struggling driver and slowly reached his front.

The struggling driver waited until his forehead was resisted by a cold ice metal, and he struggled to be honest.

“Respond me carefully, carefully, and honestly. Otherwise, the bullet will pass through your head.” He said in fluent English, his eyes gazing at each other. “Who are you, why should you hijack the engineering team from Chinese companies?” “”

“Really answer, otherwise, the bullet will blow your head and let your brain splash.” Then, the cold muzzle will forcefully resist the opponent’s forehead. “There is a chance to live with it, understand?”

The cold muzzle, the threat of trepidation, makes you can’t believe how someone can touch the driver’s pupil on the island to tighten a little.

“I can give you water to clean up the things in the mouth. Remember, if you dare to pull the sound away, the bullet will actually shoot into your head, like this…” The squat suddenly moved away from the forehead. The rifle, “squatting” toward the ground.

The bullets are rubbed from the other’s ear roots. The burning heat generated by the huge pressure is swept over the other’s ears. The mud and Mars splash and the nose smells the smoke.

This move is straightforward and suffocating, so that the driver who did not cooperate with it scared the body and trembled.

Really don’t cooperate, the bullet will let you know the end of the resistance.

The engineer who can be identified is not given the opportunity to give the driver an opportunity. He urged: “The two workers, Fanggong and Jianggong, are unaccounted for, and need to be rescued as soon as possible! No more delays, save people first!”

That is to say, there is no time to interrogate!

Naturally saving people is important. Ye Jian tells everyone the words of the engineers. The pigeons immediately said: “Solve the driver!”

The driver who tried to play the innocent and didn’t know anything was ambiguous and said, “I don’t know anything.” The weaver was interrupted coldly and told him: “Don’t swear in the name of God, I will send you to see God now.”

Broken the neck, no direct treatment of blood.

The alien driver of the gas-strapped driver still had deep horror, as if he didn’t believe anything, but he did send him to see God.

The eagles and scorpions picked up four M4s and handed them to the pigeons. “Semi-automatic carbine, the US special forces are in service. They also have special forces guns in their hands, and the firepower is big enough.”

The M4 has a terrible range and lethality, and its strap design is very clever, it is the side that connects the weapon, so that when the patrol is carried, the gun can be ready to shoot.

(End of this chapter)

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