Chapter 2035, the true nature of the military

The several squads that they solved before were ordinary rifles, and they did not know how many grades they had compared with the M4.

The pigeon took the gun that was handed over and asked the engineer around him, “Have you played M4? Do you want to take a self-defense?”

Do not blame the pigeons for asking, the engineers are not the same as the soldiers in the field army. Although they have hit the target, they can focus on the engineering class. It is normal to not play the M4.

“If you haven’t played it, you have to take it now. The principle is the same. Although it is not very useful in your hands…” An engineer took the M4 handed by the pigeon. “First self-defense, it will not be easy to pull the trigger.”

If you don’t use it, it’s easy to accidentally hurt yourself, but it’s OK to defend yourself.

The remaining snow squadrons have cleared the scene, and the weavers have also come down from the helicopter, indicating that he is already OK. After the rescue is successful, he can immediately fly the helicopter.

No longer stay, take the engineer toward the direction of the signal.

“The helicopter pilot is hired by the local government. Usually, if we need aerial mapping, it is driven by him. It has been cooperating for half a year. This time everyone did not want to have an accident, until Xiaoding found that it was not right to contact the country immediately, etc. We woke up and were in a dark basement.”

During the walk, the engineer who took the gun in his hand told the snow team members how they were hijacked.

Although they are engineers and technicians, they are still military personnel who are still showing the true nature of the military. The action is not as agile as the special forces, but the courage is enough.

From the conversation, they realized that they were on a small island. It is no wonder that they can hear the sound of the waves. They used to think that they were not far from the beach. I knew that they were on the island.

Ye Jian and Bai He are still assaults for the striker. Some words that the engineers said will be learned from the headset through the pigeons. It is learned that the engineers who were successfully rescued do not know why they were kidnapped. They also know that their identity has not been discovered so far. .

“Small Ding’s arm is embedded with a human body temperature-sensing satellite signalling device. Once the body temperature is always on, the signal will always be there. Can you still receive his signal now? I am brought out with the captor. It has been nearly two hours.”

They are saved, but their colleagues and comrades are still not saved.

The pigeons took out the infrared detector connected to the human temperature sensor satellite connector, and the red signal band was faintly flashing. “Still, people are fine.”

“That’s good, then it’s good! I have to rescue the square workers and Jianggong as soon as possible.” The engineer saw the flashing signal band and took a long sigh of relief.

There was no red signal fluctuation before the detector, and the signal band was only available on the military computer connected to our military satellite.

The detectors now have a red band, indicating that they are very close to the destination.

“Discover the building body, visual inspection, container metal room.” The low-pitched voice of Ye Jian came from the bone conduction headset, and the word was extremely clear. “Two containers in two layers, three containers in a layer, top on top There are three gun-targeted people patrolling each other. There are fifteen people. It is not excluded that there are still sentinels around.”

“It is recommended to completely surround the carpet search and solve the problem by solving the problem.” Ye Jian raised his thoughts while observing and “the peripheral targets and patrol targets were assassinated. The firepower inside is unknown, and it is safe to hide first.”

There are still ten people in the engineering team. There are mainly two wounded people with unknown lives. They can’t directly fight before they can find them.

Good night

(End of this chapter)

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