Chapter 2036 never gives up

The team of the snow-capped group with the code of the bird is the best attack. Now the night black wind is a good time to kill and set fire. Ye Jianyi mentioned the darkness, which is equivalent to all the comrades.

After observing for a while, I saw several people jumping off the container.

Ye Jianli added: “Changes, they patrol and change shifts, the eastward single-story container with four meters away from other containers is the first post, and three people patrol.”

“Two people on the two-story container near the sea patrol, this is the highest point. There are two people patrolling near the west-facing single-deck container, a total of seven people. The rest enter the middle-level double-deck container.”

The leaf Jane responsible for the observation is very detailed, so that the comrades have a spectrum in mind.

The pigeons crouched down on their knees and said to the two engineers: “The two troubles are hidden outside. This is two GPSs. Please take the two. We will complete the rescue from there and come to find you. If someone escapes outside When you come out, you have to work hard to solve one.”

Handing two GPSs to the hands of two engineers, whispered: “We will bring together the other ten engineers and will immediately join you. So hide here, there is nothing to be free to move around.”

The two engineers who took over the GPS nodded calmly. “You can rest assured that the two of us will not move around to drag you down. If we are not here, you should take the other engineers first.”

“Especially, Fanggong and Jianggong, the two of them are backbone technicians, and they must keep them!”

For the members of the Snow Group, the 12 members of the engineering team are responsible for their need to rescue the country. Each person represents a responsibility. How can they abandon their responsibilities?

“We received the order, the 12 engineers of the engineering team must be rescued successfully, can not give up one. Please take care of both, we will come back soon.” The pigeons gave a military ceremony to the two, and they quickly left to enter the silence and full of danger. The night.

The two engineers quietly squatted at the stealth points chosen by the pigeons. They looked at the front for a moment without blinking…. On a thick night, they only saw the trunks of strange monsters, and they just joined them. The soldiers disappeared without a trace.

“I don’t know which special team in the military region is better than the soldiers who escorted us here. If they are there, they should have nothing to do.”

An engineer named “Chapter” said lowly, although the voice was a little tight, it was very calm.

Another project is: “As long as the workers and Jianggong are still alive, they will surely rescue everyone. The two of us are hiding, don’t bother them. Or the soldiers of their own country, I heard women at the time. The soldier sang the “Kneeling”, and at the time I was really relieved with the reassurance.”

The familiar language came, and the gloomy world suddenly had a light, so that they had a sense of security in an instant and saw a hope full of light.

This is their country, a country that never gave up on them. Even if they are separated by thousands of miles, they know that they will be rescued when they are in danger. The “King” is to tell them that the country has sent people!

Why are they a soldier who is never afraid to go abroad to carry out projects that are life-threatening because they know in their hearts that no matter where they are, they never have to be afraid to be abandoned or abandoned.

(End of this chapter)

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