Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 2038 - You are a soldier

Chapter 2038 You are a soldier

The answer to him was the struggle of the “squeaky” in his partner’s mouth.

The man who asked the question was holding the gun close, and a man swept around with a gun. He had already slammed the bullet and waited for the trigger to complete the shot.

“Oh…” The man whose neck was struck was struggling, his hand even scratching his neck, and the gun fell off his hand… In the eyes of his companion, he was like Is a patient with a sudden illness.

At this time, when the man with a gun sweeping around him was facing himself, a slam dunk up and slammed the man directly from the container.

The man who was close to his companion heard the sound behind him, and at the moment he turned around quickly, Ye simply stood by his side, raised his hand, and patted the man’s shoulder lightly… The other side looked back, there was The cold light crossed his line of sight, and the neck first came with a cool chill, and then there was a faint pain…

Cutting and breaking the neck are all a fatal trick for a special soldier. Ye is a qualified special commander. She is now able to achieve the goal.

In order to achieve quiet and silent attack, the clearing target is synchronized, and Ye Jian’s side is shot, and the rest are all synchronized, so as to achieve the same pace.

There was no fighting voice, not even a single motion, and all the targets were cleared in less than five minutes.

After handing over, all the members of the Snowy Brigade found a problem. These people had very good rifles on their hands, but their skills were quite bad!

Except for fierceness, there is absolutely no rules at all. I don’t know how to resist, and I don’t know how to face danger!

A group of guys with guns and ammunition, but no skills, hijacked Chinese engineers? What are they for?

“These people are just like the domestic gangsters, and there is no value.” The members of the code-named heron squatted to check the goals they had solved, and picked up the other’s hands and looked at them. The tiger’s mouth was not thick, and the fingers and palms did not stay. The iconic scorpion, in addition to a wrist with a cobra tattoo on the wrist, can not find other clues.

“These people are some gangsters. They look like prestige. In fact, they are the M16 scarers in their hands. Without this gun, nothing is done.”

After all the targets were solved, the members of the Snowy Brigade did not have a drop of sweat, and they were easily solved.

If these people don’t have a gun in their hands, they are just like ordinary people.

But they have guns and hijacked the engineers in our army, that is not ordinary people!

The leaflet that took back the silver wire listened to the comrades in the battle, and the back of the container was attached to the rusted container, and the white crane was searched for the inside of the container.

When she turned on the PTT switch, she asked: “What is the situation with the highest sentinel after the first post has been cleared?”

The nephew, who was in charge of the last post, wiped the blood on the dagger and replied: “Clear, the eagles have already rushed to support Group A.”

Another team member in Group B whispered: “The goals of Group B are all clear, and the situation of Group A is how.”

“Find the container that the engineer said, weaving the finch, walking in the middle of the two-layer container, and the rest of the people attacked. Action!”



” Immediately!”

With the order of the pigeons, the scattered snow-captained team members are close to the container they are focusing on. The special team member named “Live Bird” gently pulls the metal door that is only accessible by one person. The small door opened.

(End of this chapter)

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