Chapter 2039 Forever Soldiers

There was no immediate action, but a small stone was thrown inside, and after a few sounds, it was quiet and there was no sound.

No longer hesitate, the first bird dropped the container, and the two comrades extended the barrel of the rifle into the inside to alert the loon.

The loon is not directly rushing down like a hoe, and he quickly enters the container. He grabs the outer bracket of the iron ladder with one hand, one side, and the whole person is on the outside of the ladder. He supports himself by arm strength. He completed the entry and observed two actions.

After two minutes, everyone heard the birdwalk: “Go down.”

Ye Jian and the white crane did not go down, weaving the birds, and walking the two-layer container that was in and out before the death, then she held the single-layer container with the comrades entering.

Entering the container, the pigeons pass through the entire container. When they reach the front, they see an underground passage. The width of the entrance is the same as the width of the container. You can wear three people.

The inside is very dark, there is no light and no sound. The members of the two snowy squadrons step by step, flexibly and flexibly step on the ladder that has been cut into the ground.

After the two men got off the ladder, they immediately stood on the left side and the right side of the wall, and they stared at the front through the night vision equipment.

In the turbid green world, I saw a long stone hole that was completely excavated. After confirming that there was no problem, I gently waved towards the back. The other four comrades entered and alternated.

Outside, the sound of helicopter hovering over the small island, Ye Jian, Bai He, weaver, and the four faces of the people fell cold at the same time. Although they did not see the helicopter, the four responded quickly to find a new cover point.

The sound is far and near, and it is obvious that it is coming in their direction!

“Pigeon! How is the situation inside! The situation has changed outside, there are helicopters coming!” The hidden leaves are immediately connected to the pigeons entering the basement.

Then she saw the helicopter flew over the sky, and a very strong beam of light came straight from above to the top two-story container that they had smashed before.

The second-floor container, which has not been moving, was drilled out and stood on it and waved toward the glare…

Ye Jane’s eyes fell from the helicopter to the waving person.

At this time, the psychological activities of the four people are the same, so they only say the same meaning at the same time.

“This person is the next top target.”

The person above the helicopter saw someone responding, and the glare of the recovered light flew forward.

Weaving the finch and walking did not give the person a chance to look around. The helicopter took back the glare and flew forward. The two quickly emerged from below and quickly solved the goal.

The pigeons in the basement answered Ye Jian. “Successfully found ten engineers, they are preparing to evacuate! The workshop has been sacrificed, Jianggong is in a coma, and the situation is dangerous.”

The workmanship… has been sacrificed.

This news is like someone punching and hitting everyone’s heart. In an instant, the heart suddenly feels pain and pain, and even the pain is painful.

Looking at the helicopter that flew to the front, the leaf slowly descended and closed her eyes. She pressed her heart down and said: “Remove immediately! Take all the engineers to the helicopter and take them away.”

The heart is getting worse and worse, and there are some people who have nothing to do on the island. What are you coming back now?

The highest two-story container suddenly made a “squeaky” dull sound, and the leaf slips around the police had been interrupted. She needed to support the weaving and walking!

(End of this chapter)

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