Chapter 2040 is changing rapidly

The atmosphere suddenly became tense. The white crane entered the conversation and quickly reported outside. “The helicopter came over and shocked the people in the container. Someone climbed out from the inside and responded to the person on the helicopter. Let’s solve a few problems first. We cover up, you guys Take the engineering team to leave!”

The battle situation on the battlefield has always been changing rapidly. If you find the engineering team, there is no need to stay again. You must evacuate immediately.

The white crane did not say that the goal solved by the geek in the past was a hard battle, not as easy as the goal solved before.

There are still a few targets in the leg and foot to escape the weaving of the weaving, and a rolling room creates a movement on the container and alarms the inside.

Ye Jian is just seeing this in the past.

This time is not a fist, and Ye Jian, who flew past, saw someone pounced on her body. She did not hesitate to pull out the pistol. The running room slammed into the other’s head with a shot.

Over there, the squatting was only one second slower than Ye Jian and shot the target that came out later.

Although the pistol is equipped with a muffler, the two hit targets are returned to the container from the exit. The people inside look at the person whose head is bleeding and bloody. Some people yell and turn off the light. At the same time, shoot back.

The gunshots suddenly sounded, and the eagles that climbed out of the container reached out and hugged the comrades who had been sent by the comrades. The arms of the workers were forced out of the container.

The square worker has already sacrificed, his body has only a trace of warmth, and the long-eyed eagle holds him out, and the dumb scorpion is on the white crane road guarding the following: “Respond! White crane!”

The cooperation between the comrades-in-arms and the comrades-in-arms is tacit understanding. The white crane is already ready. The long eagle will carry out the work immediately after the work, and will leave the container to the container.

Then, Jianggong, who was in a coma, was rescued from the container.

The pigeons still in the container repeatedly said to the engineering team going out, “Follow them, don’t look back!”

Sacrificing an engineer, he does not want to see the sacrifice of engineers, and does not allow the sacrifice of engineers under the protection of the snow group.

He has already heard the bullets of the crossfire outside, and the situation is tense and needs to be evacuated immediately with the engineering team.

The bullets passed through the container and the irons were fired from the inside. The people inside couldn’t see the outside, and it was not clear what was going on outside. In order to survive, they only went to the top, and they used the bullets to fight blindly. People outside.

They dare not come out of the container and counterattack, afraid to come out… will fall to the same stage as the two headshot companions.

They blindly beat, but Ye Jian did not blindly fight. She picked up the M16 that she had solved before, and went around the front of the container and shot at the center point.


Ten rounds of bullets were fired in a row, and I saw that the front of the container was directly punched by a leaf that was as big as a bowl.

And this hole is the only channel that Ye Jian can see through the sight.

1.2.3… Aiming at the target’s leaf slips the trigger of the FA-MAS rifle. After three consecutive shots, three people were directly hit by her.

Without stopping, Ye Jian left the shooting point with a roll on the side.

If you kill three targets in succession, you will become a target if you stay in place.

All the engineering teams were evacuated into the forest, and the four people who received the notice, Ye Jian, no longer succumbed to the war, and put the rifle down and quickly retreated.

In front, the helicopter has already landed, and the island without the propeller sound can clearly hear the sound of a gun coming from the front, letting the pedestrians coming down from the plane react very quickly and take it with you. Pistols, and very quickly protect the man in the middle with a full envelop.

Good night.

A lovely little goblin asked, she wondered who was in the life of Xia Jinyuan.

Hahaha, … I will make him a single noble!

(End of this chapter)

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