Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 2041 - Entertain them well

Chapter 2021, entertain them well

The people who came down from the helicopter can see from the action and reaction of their guns that these people have been trained professionally.

The man in the middle who is well protected is not tall, but his body is very strong. The eyes that look at the direction of the container are like a wolf who has been hungry for a long time, and they have a fierce light.

He used the local language to speak slowly and slowly. “Perhaps there are guests coming from afar, telling everyone to entertain guests from afar.”

“Especially friends from Chinese companies, for God’s sake, you need to treat them better. Remember, I need their help, so you must treat them well.”

The man who spoke was very confident and determined that none of the people on the island could escape.

One of the assistant-like men pulled out the mobile phone and pressed out a number. After the connection, he said quickly, it seemed to convey the man’s instructions to the person on the other side of the phone.

Although the front is densely shot, the man named the first is not afraid. The facial features of the facial features are still faintly smiling. This is not a good smile, full of fierce and **** laughs.

An arms dealer who smuggled the world’s various guns has become accustomed to the sound of bullets.

For him, listening to bullets is no different from listening to a piano, and you don’t need to be afraid.

Although he was not afraid, he did not want to stay on the small island of the crossfire. He once again told his own person that “I really need their help” and left the driver with his assistant.

He was relieved because two speedboats carrying nearly 20 guns were preparing to land.

As a dokdo, it is really difficult to escape from the surrounding waters. It is also a land of its own. There are so many people who want to catch a few people. It is not difficult.

The speedboat that flew from the air made the sound of the waves slap on the reef more and more. After a wave of waves, the waves hit a few meters and hurriedly retired. It was learned that someone came in on the island and had already exchanged fire. Dozens of figures jumped from the top of the speedboat and flew over the island.

These people are well-trained guys. When they ran down the speedboat, someone stood by and waved their hands to repeat the local language. It was probably like “Hurry, hurry.”

The pigeons with our engineers retreating into the woods shouted “Retreat” to the comrades who were still suppressing the firepower. The squad, who was responsible for the cover, said: “The blue bird, the white crane, you first withdraw, I will follow the break!”

When he finished, the rain-like intensive rains completely suppressed the firepower in the container. Ye Jian and Bai He did not hesitate. They took up the rifle and quickly retreated in the direction of the woods.

After the two men pulled out a few meters, they found the shelter point, and the muzzle aimed at the direction of the container, reminding the weavers, walking and retreating to keep up.

“Withdrawal! Weaving the bird!” A little behind, a little walked, indicating that the front of the weaver was retreating first, and he was replaced by the first firepower.

The weaving bird did not hesitate, and put away the rifle on the ground for several consecutive tumblings, avoiding the bullets that crossed the line in the dark and retreating from the first firepower.

In order to prevent people in the container from rushing out, their retreat must be alternated.

Meri continued to hear the voices of the comrades in contact with each other. The two engineers who had been rescued first had joined the pigeons. They couldn’t even celebrate, and they didn’t even say a word. Several people hand in hand under the cover of the snowy squad. The helicopter flew to the past.

(End of this chapter)

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