Chapter 2022 occupation

There was a gunshot from the far back, and the leaf that was tightened by the pupil was low: “The chase is coming, the pigeons, go!”

Originally, it was secretly rescued, but now it has led to the pursuit of troops. It is undoubtedly breaking the entire plan of action. The snowy battalions are specially trained special forces. The break of the action plan is particularly calm, and no one is confused.

Since there is a chase, it needs to be broken. The pigeons immediately ask the Jade Bird. “The helicopter can only sit seven people including the driver. Can the blue bird fly a helicopter?”

The engineers plus the snow squad, including the sacrifice of the total number of workers, have a total of 22 people, and the helicopter can only walk seven people including the driver, the pigeons intend to let the female soldier Ye Jian first withdraw.

But Ye Jian does not drive a helicopter. “No, I, the white crane, after the break, the weaver catches up with you, let him leave with six engineers.”

“Yes, you are careful! Scorpion, you and the blue bird they broke!” In the face of Ye Jian’s answer, his eyes slightly dimmed a little pigeon immediately agreed.

Ye Jian and Bai Heben were the assaulters, and they were handed over to them according to the original operational arrangements.

As the gunshots sounded, the atmosphere became more tense. Fortunately, the engineers were all soldiers, and they did not panic because of the gunshots. The special forces who protected them went through the island and ran forward.

The growth of trees on the sea island has a common feature. The roots of the tree grow long and emerge from the ground, twisting and exposing the exposed surface, like the octopus’s tentacles tightly grasping the surface of the ground, and when the soil is there, it is rooted in. The bare tree roots that are exposed to the ground have become obstacles for engineers to run.

The members of the Snow Group can jump briskly from these easy-to-dead roots, but engineers have no way to be so light.

After several people have been stumbled, the speed of the entire evacuation has been greatly affected.

The speed is affected and it is easy to be chased by the soldiers. The pigeons think of the workshops that have been sacrificed. The sounds are arranged: “The long eagle, you and the weavers take turns to work in the helicopter, first take the helicopter, fast!”

The helicopter can only take a total of seven people including the driver. The sacrificed laborer and the injured Jianggong will definitely take the lead. The other four will decide in the basement. Now they only run toward the helicopter.

The long eagle, who had just handed the laborer on his back to the weaver, looked up to the left side of him. Just now, he saw light passing over there.

“There is a situation at the seaside. I saw a flash of light.” He reminded all his comrades, there are chasing soldiers behind him, and if there are situations on the beach, it is even harder to get out.

The leaves that are as thick as water are sorrowful and sorrowful. “We are three running to the beach and turning all our attention away.”

“Dove, you should hide the remaining engineers first, then send two players to guard, and then cover it from behind to support us! We must first protect the weaving bird before taking off!”

Ye Jian is a commanding cadet student. Although he only took one semester, the most basic layout of the marching warfare began to learn. As a commanding cadet, it is natural to understand the operational arrangements.

Now the other party does not know how many people they have. They only know that they have taken all the engineers away. Then they are divided into two groups of actions, one of which is secretly retreating, and the other attracts all attention, so as to protect all engineers.

(End of this chapter)

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