Chapter 2047 chasing

Although the second goal responded, he only saw a shadow flying sideways in front of him. He wanted to shoot himself and he heard that he had a chest and seemed to have something to blow up.

It was the bullet that with great power flipped forward and penetrated his heart at a second speed. The originally beating heart was extensively damaged, interrupting its mission.

Did not give the other side a slowdown, but did not let the other side aware of life threatened, the next second can breathe fresh air, the next second death.

The right hand of the leaf grip gun that completed the two bullets at a vertical speed was first landed first. The sound of the guns disappeared, and the two-and-a-half-half-and-half-turned land was leaning against the tree, breathing slightly and breathing quickly.

The gunshots are not too loud, and the low ones are like two drums, there is no fear of power.

Even the smell of the gunpowder was blown by the salty sea breeze, and it was blown away by the sea breeze until it was less than a minute.

Ye Jian, who heard the sound of falling down, did not stand up and look at it, but quietly leaned against the tree, and counted five times in his heart before bowing away.

The dark shadow that had escaped and said that 50 meters was too violent to run. He did not hear the low foot cursing after he heard the footsteps behind him. The whole person sat on the ground with his hands on his knees.

Before he was a little relaxed, there was a cold voice coming from behind.

“stand up.”

The speaker also uses a hard thing to hold against his temple. “Let the guy in your hand, or I can guarantee that the guy in my hand will entertain you very rudely.”

The sound is low and the tension comes slowly. It is clearly intimidating, but there is an indescribable elegance, which makes people feel more creepy.

“God…” was shocked to see the sound of the diaper pants, but the sound was relaxed and loose, and even the tight shoulders were completely loose.

This **** Chinese! One day I will send you to see God!

Western men who can’t look down on Chinese people in their hearts can only look down on them at this time and only stunned in their hearts. It’s foolish to be angry with people on their own side.

Although he knew that it was stupid to be angry with his own people at this moment, he couldn’t put down his prejudice in his heart, and screamed with a sigh of low-pitched English. “Jack! Where did you come from?” !”

The head was off, the fearful barrel hit his forehead, and the already embarrassed man suddenly caught fire and raised his hand to open the Chinese arm.

“Damn! Are you going to point my head all the time? Take your gun, Chinese!”

This is his own anger that is embarrassed and embarrassed to be seen.

But he did not wave the arms of the Chinese, and did not let the Chinese take his gun. Instead, he was slammed against the forehead… He even heard the trigger light.

“…you…hey, guys, what do you want to do? The gun is a little joke.” Just dare to smack the face, then it will be awkward, and the lips are a little trembled when you talk.

The Chinese man who was photographed with some pain in his arm, that is, Xia Jinyuan, who was in charge of the task, saw this. He took back the gun in his hand and smiled in standard American English. “You seem to be scared? Need to be afraid? You also have gun.”

The man whose head was not touched by the gun was full of anger, and he replied with a grudge in his eyes. “Of course I am afraid! Change to you, I am afraid that they will be killed by them, like this…”

(End of this chapter)

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