Chapter 2048 Are you afraid?

As he stood up and stood up, he suddenly raised his hand and raised his gun at the moment he just stood up… He tried to hold a pistol against the forehead of Xia Jinyuan, and he gave himself a few faces.

Xia Jinyuan has already seen his intentions. He just took back his arm and grabbed the gun at the lightning speed. He used the gun hole to accurately touch the opponent’s forehead.

“No wonder you are afraid, even the speed of the gun is slower than others, like this… enough for me to solve three or four things like you.”

Being pointed at the forehead with a gun, even if the relationship between them is familiar, it is also a matter of fear. What’s more, the relationship between this person and Xia Jinyuan is not harmonious, and even more afraid.

The man who lost his anger was screaming. “Yes, I am very scared. So, guys, we need to join hands together. Yes, we need to join hands.”

“I don’t know where people come from, very, very powerful. We are eight people, but, but only I live and escape from them. Very amazing speed, if not my reaction is fast enough, I am like Bieber. They kill.”

Nothing is more horrible than watching his companion get rid of it. If it wasn’t for him to escape fast enough, maybe he had no breathing like Bieber.

“Jack, we can’t consume any more, we should find other talents right, right, how are you alone? Others? Where are they going?”

In order to let Xia Jinyuan take the gun up to his forehead, I was afraid that the man who was trembled kept talking and tried to approach the distance between the two by talking.

I heard about three meters from myself. There was a slight footstep. Xia Jinyuan grabbed the mouth of the other party, and said with a cool smile: “If you don’t want to die, shut up, someone is coming.”

The man was scared to hit a spirit, and he didn’t need to lick his mouth and shut himself up.

On the left side, the leaves were smashed by the “sand” sound. Through the dim sky, three black-eyed cats walked through the sparse trees.

“Okay, right here, just waiting here. You are here, I am here, you climbed to the tree.”

It sounds like they are waiting for someone to come over like an ambush.

The men who are together with Xia Jinjin are happy, because these three are not everyone else.

“Boris, it’s Boris’s voice! It’s so good, there is no need for them to catch up with those people!” He was very happy, happy to see his face happy, he even wanted to say hello to them.

However, the words of Xia Jinyuan made him dangerously shut up.

“Do you think that the three of them are opponents of those people? If so, you can immediately scream, if not, arrogant Job, you better shut up! Do you understand what I mean? I don’t want to accompany you to die! Do you understand?”

In one sentence, the man named “Job” was put out of his mind. He even thought of leaving quickly, thinking that he had left his mouth but did not say it.

He does not want a Chinese to look down on himself!

Just enough to lose face!

Xia Jinyuan did not pay attention to him. He wanted to know who touched the private island of the arms dealers who did not want to provoke the highest authority of the country. They dared to be so bold in the exchange of fire on the island.

At this time, Xia Jinjin did not know who he would see. At this time, he only wanted to watch, and did not step in.

Ye Jian, who chased the enemy, did not know who he would meet. She separated from the white cranes and the walking stalks carefully through the leafy and unknown trees, and then stuck behind a curved tree, and did not go any further.

(End of this chapter)

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