Chapter 2054 is surrounded

Like his little fox, he is quite sensitive to the dangers hidden around him, and he is naturally better than others.

However, it is also a little troublesome. It can be a point of concentration in the firepower. There are a total of nine people who rushed to the island with him. It is not a guy on the other speedboat. If they are all surrounded, they are afraid to see blood.

It is a bit strange that although this small island is a place where arms dealers trade, but the outside is not traced of development, there are warnings around the sea, prohibiting all ships and tourists from entering the forbidden area. How do these people with special skills enter? What about this small island?

Why do they have to enter this small island again?

The enemy of the arms dealer? Competitor?

Xia Jinyuan meditated slightly, and the handsome face in the darkness did not have an elegant smile with a sigh of relief, and even a thin, sword-like coldness appeared between the brows.

Someone who came to him didn’t care, that is, they were afraid that the appearance of these people would alarm the need to bring back to the country. If so, it would be a little troublesome.

The target person is not easy to show his head. Through various channels, he knows that he will have a deal with the arms dealers in the near future. Once he stops, his goal will continue to be hidden. I don’t know when he will be arrested.

“What do they want, mom! What do they want to do, look for death?”

Xia Jinyuan, who was contemplative, was quickly awakened by Job’s panicked voice. He looked sharply at the front and saw the black shadow behind the leaves rushing in the direction he was in.

No wonder Job is scared, he is afraid that he will be hit by them, and finally forced to join the battle.

Since the action is not to force, with this skill, I still want to learn from others to attack, … just fit the heart of the powerful character, sit and wait for the goal to close to the net!

Ye Jian, who has always been hiding well, has already seen the shadows moving in the light sky, watching them come towards themselves, brightly like the stars in the darkness of the stars shining brightly, cold and cold, without a trace of red smoke Only deep cold.

“I am surrounded, you are wrapped in my right side.”

Send it to Miri with the smallest sound, and let your comrades-in-arms hear it. “First live one, I will first attract their attention, and you will take the opportunity to get around them!”

Someone in front, there are people on the left and right sides, the rear is a white crane, walking, and the engineers who have not left, can not back, there is no choice but to move forward.

Knowing that he is not far away and there is an ambush, Ye Jian’s voice is like a circle in his mouth. He does not say anything at all. Through the bone conduction headset, he can clearly hear his comrades.

The white crane, which is already close to Ye Jian, said a “good” lightly. The three men opened a combat mode with the leaf triangle as the center point and the squatting and the white crane as the opposite triangle.

They will wrap around the front of Ye Jian to encircle the target and complete the enemies.

The black shadow is getting closer and closer to her, Ye Jian looked at her left side, … she just heard a heavy breathing sound about five meters from the left side, indicating that there was someone lying in the air, but I don’t know why she didn’t feel it. A trace of danger.

The other side should have been hiding there for a certain period of time, but he has never shown up, and he has not put a cold gun on himself. It seems that he is an outsider and does not want to get into trouble.

Although the cautious Ye Jian did not feel the danger, she did not believe that there was no danger.

The bottom of her eyes was cold, and she saw the shadows getting closer and closer through the cracks in the rocks. The sounds of the white cranes and the walking men came together.

They have successfully passed around!

(End of this chapter)

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