Chapter 2055, I have been there all the time.

Just after the shadows of several bows were about to flash to a tree, Ye Jian suddenly stood up from behind the rock and sighed “Action!” Raised the pistol and quickly pulled the trigger.

After the first sound of the knocking of the door, the leaf of the trigger is released to the side of the rock, and the second shot is completed.

Xia Jinyuan, who has been watching, suddenly heard a short, cold and low-sounding voice. The original calm and calmness did not have a sneak sigh of darkness and strong waves.

Even if it is just a monotonous voice, he can hear who is the voice.

It’s a little fox!

It’s a little fox that has been separated for less than a month!

She is actually on her side!

At this moment, Xia Shaoshu’s heart is full of unspeakable taste, and the lover is there, but he did not find it for the first time!

Also admire her skills while watching!

In the midst of the sudden, Joe, who has always put his hands and hands on his ears, stood up violently. The whole person slammed into Xia Jinyuan, a vicious and cold road: “Go to death, disgusting Chinese!”

Ye Jian heard the sound, and she shot directly to the place where there was a movement, and the bullet hit the rock “砰” and instantly sporadic sparks.

She didn’t think about hitting the target. The front was a shooting dead end. Her gun was just to scare people back.

Also found in the shooting of the dead corner of the summer and the future is someone shooting, one foot to count their own Joe kicked down, Xia Jinyuan squatted out, the cold barrel directly into the mouth of Job’s painful mouth.

“You are such a bad guy. I still want to leave you a life, but you can’t stand it and die. Mr. Job, you still have to go see God.”


Job’s failed Joe shook his head desperately, he can explain, he can explain!

The horrified Job didn’t have a chance to speak. The gunshots suddenly sounded, not a single shot, but a high-frequency shot.

It’s very bad, very bad!

The intensive gunshots sounded. It was only in the occasional sporadic gunfire in the woods that the fire was escalated. The sound of the bullets was like a thunder, and Job was so frightened by the intensive rain-like gunshots… He is incontinent.

High frequency shooting!

Someone came over, and still came from the front, … came over? How many people took the helicopter with the arms dealer?

not good!

These people are senior hires (servants)!

They are all big firepower submachine guns!

Xia Jinyuan no longer talked to Job with nonsense, the moment the pistol was pulled out of his mouth, the hands of each other’s head were buckled, and in the other side of the horror, he did not hesitate to twist his neck.

He needs to meet with the little fox and needs to join the comrades on the island to help them take the speedboat to leave.

The military engineering team that was originally lost was actually robbed by the arms dealers on the island.

No wonder the little foxes can touch them. The special forces of the Snowy Brigade are the swords of the scabbard. They can stump them without any difficulty!

Under such high-frequency shooting, the little fox must be still in front. Xia Jinyuan, who is attached to the rock, looked at the bullets that had been wiped from the air in the air. Qingya Junyan had a shallow smile.

He came out from the rock and smiled in the cold voice of the intensive gun. “Hurry, I am coming, little fox.”


The whole person clenched to the leaf Jane, whose cheeks were close to the ground, suddenly caught, and the deafening gunshots she heard the voice of the summer team.

She was shocked by bullets to the auditory hallucination!

Good night

(End of this chapter)

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