Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 2056 - Hear, please answer

Chapter 2056, please answer

The sound is not big, but it is very penetrating. From the sound of the gun, the word is clear to the point where he looks at it and thinks in his heart.


The whole person clenched to Ye Jian, who was close to the ground with his cheeks, suddenly slammed, and the deafening gunshots she heard the voice of the summer team. She was shocked by the bullets!

There is a cold voice in the headset, “Blue Bird, hear please answer.”

High-frequency shooting, they are worried about the blue bird accident.

She thought that she had auditory hallucinations and adjusted her mindset. She smiled and said: “It’s still alive, nothing. The bullets are all over the sky, only the streamers have been wiped.”

After a light smile, she listened to the gunshots and gradually tightened her mouth. The face showed a bit of dignity and said: “I have some doubts that they want to catch us, or they will not blindly hit the bullets. Pigeons, your side. How’s it going.”

At this time, there is a situation of beatings in the air. Generally, there are only two meanings: one: shocking; two: cofferdam.

Ye Jian prefers the second meaning.

They are not afraid of encirclement, they are very close to the sea, and they can retreat to the side and retreat to the sea. Mainly worried about the pigeons on their side, there are six engineers who did not leave.

“We are very good,” has not been arbitrarily disturbed, the whole process only listened to Ye Jian, the pigeons of their three dialogues answered Ye Jian, “Stabilize your own firepower, do not have to fight bullets with them. We are now close to the sea, once the blood Yan will The assault boat drove over and left immediately.”

Ye Jianwen said that he has settled a lot in his heart. As long as the engineering team is sent back first, everything will be solved.

The two assault boats that they had opened from the tourist island were too loud. They didn’t go straight to the beach where they could easily land, but they were close to the highest cliff position of the island. Ten people snorkeled and landed from the beach.

According to the plan, after the rescue was successful, the players re-snorkeled back to the cliff and drove the assault boat to take the engineering team to leave.

Nowadays, Ye Jian, Bai He, and the three people are too far away. If the pigeons are driven by the boat to rescue them, the engineers rescued on board will lose their protection. Once an accident occurs, it will be dangerous.

Therefore, Ye Jiancai proposed “grabbing the boat”. The three of them took the boat from here and left, no need to let the pigeons distract them, and the protection engineer left.

Ye Jian’s timely answer made all the comrades feel at ease.

I was swept by high-frequency shots and couldn’t get up and grabbed the arm that was scratched by the stray bullets. He said: “It’s okay, the other side’s fire is too fierce, and they are always suppressed. We’re really likely to be alive.”

“The submachine guns can’t be as big as a machine gun, and even if they take turns, they need to change the magazines when they are weak!”

Ye Jian, who has not been in contact with the pigeons, has turned to a curved neck tree, and she has locked a cold light in her black box somewhere. She whispers: “Thirty rounds of bombs, you have to change the bomb after 30 rounds. Hey, Baihe, gossip, you give me a cover, I go to the sniper and kill one.”

At this time, kill one and count one! Killing one is equivalent to missing a submachine gun!

The inverted triangle operation just made the white cranes and the squatting people too close to the guys who were directly shocked by the high-frequency shooting. It was not convenient to move quickly. Only the leaf that was a little farther away could be.

The white cranes and the walking scorpions that are too close to each other have covered the broken bark leaves that have been bulleted down. It is said that the two people replied “no problem” at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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