Chapter 2062 shoulders glory

Their contempt will become the shield of Xia Jinjin, and of course, it will become the shield of our country. One day they will pay for their contempt.

Ye Jian did not have the initial panic. She looked at the white crane around her eyes. She saw this shortcoming.

She is already flustered, but the white crane breathes smoothly without a little bit of disorder, using the normal mentality to face the summer team.

The white crane, who did not pay attention to Ye Jian’s attention, calmly asked, “You are going to face antonio with a few lived mouths and let yourself get out, are you?”

Xia Jinyuan decapitated: “Yes, there are still two or three unresolved estimates. I will go back with them. As a Chinese who is despised by him, I will tell him exactly who touched his private island. And took away the engineers of the Chinese company. He would not doubt that this matter was actually sent by the Chinese side. If you return to China as soon as possible, there will be nothing.”

Ye Jian understands his plans, using antonio to despise the Chinese, and think that the Chinese do not dare to panic about themselves, from which they let themselves out.

In addition, those employers who are equally underestimated, in order not to be punished by antoni, will certainly be the same as the summer team, so that it will make antonio believe that the summer team said.

But how is it possible to get out of the whole tail?

But he didn’t say much, she wouldn’t ask anything if she asked again.

All the comrades-in-arms understand that the summer team will definitely not be safe and sound, and they all know what is going on, … she also understands herself.

This is the hardship that any special soldier will experience. Everyone is like this. There is nothing special about it. How to protect himself in the enemy camp depends on his personal skills.

In front of this outstanding soldier, he did not worry about his safety. On the contrary, he mentioned that antonio despised the Chinese and looked down on the Chinese side. The low voice contained a strong sense of enthusiasm.

A big country is looked down upon by a criminal, and the nationals of big countries are despised by criminals. Such contempt for a Chinese soldier who shoulders the glory and responsibility of the motherland is no longer a life.

Maintaining the glory of the motherland and letting this arms dealer see the great powers of the country is what Xia Jinyuan wants to do.

Of course, he will not be stupid enough to take the initiative to run in front of the arms dealers. He will use his power to tell him what is a “great power”. The Chinese side has always been modest and will tell the Chinese people who despise the Chinese side and arrogant. Has risen!

As a soldier, Xia Jinyuan will use his own strength and life to defend the dignity of the motherland.

This is Xia Jinyuan, a Chinese soldier who also represents the soldiers of thousands of Chinese soldiers.

He heard his sharp Ye Jian gently put his right hand on the back of his hand and slowly told him, “We are waiting for you to come back safely, please be sure to return safely.”

As long as you can come back alive, even if you are hurt, you can accept it.

The injury is nothing to a soldier. On the contrary, the injury is the glory of the soldiers.

Do not be ashamed, glory of pride.

“Reassure, we will all return safely.” Xia Jinyuan hands folded Ye Jian’s hands, and then gripped hard, cold eyes gazing at the two male soldiers, Shen Sheng: Baihe, walking, you two protect Blue bird! Do not understand! ”



The two voices answered powerfully and told their captain that they would definitely protect their comrades!

(End of this chapter)

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