Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 2063 - Blue bird! This is an order

Chapter 2063 Blue Bird! This is an order

Xia Jinyuan nodded, and Junya’s face showed a happy smile. He believed that his comrades would definitely protect the Jade Bird very well. “Remember, after leaving the island, I will return to the country tonight!”

The firepower of the two sides exchanged fire was only sporadic gunfire. The Xia Jinyuan, who had finished the battle, loosened Ye Jian’s hand. In the thin starlight, his darkness like the sea’s black eyes gently looked at the lover in front of his eyes, special and affectionate. Look, “Blue Bird, give me your pistol.”

Ye Jianwen, who looked soft and soft because of his gaze, immediately looked at him with vigilance. He felt subconsciously asking him to ask for a pistol. It was not a good thing.

The white crane looked at the vigilant Ye Jian and took the pistol out of his combat vest and handed it over. “Use me.”

For many years, his comrades-in-arms, he already understands why Xia Jinyuan needs a pistol.

“No, you can use the blue bird.” Xia Jinyuan refused, and looked cold and gazing at his lover, and said: “Blue Bird, give me your pistol.”

He repeated it again.

Ye Jianlian’s heart is trembled, clenching his pistol, her eyes are red, she has a little tears.

Clever as she already understands why he insisted on his own pistol, the man who has been leading her, such as the Tianshan 告诉, told him that there is no soft heart on the battlefield.

The people who are still alive at the antoni are injured. How can the summer team, who is one of them temporarily, be unscathed?

He needs to go back and take the wound back.

The white crane couldn’t bear to look at it again. He didn’t open his head when he bit the gang.

Still walking low-pitched bullets, he said, “Give him, Jade Bird! This is the order!”

This is an order!

The military is obedient to obey orders!

Finally, Ye Jian twitched his hand and handed the gun over. The right hand of the tactical glove was applied to the phalanx, and the skin of the knuckle was white and white, and the cyan blood vessels were clearly visible.

She had no choice but to pass the pistol.

The grip was so tight that Xia Jinyuan did not succeed in getting his hand for the first time until he grabbed her wrist and forced her to let go.

“Blue Bird, sometimes you have to make the best choice for yourself. I told you that the battlefield is always filled with cruelty that you can’t imagine.”

He took the gun that fell from her hand, calm, and even a little light smile, so gentle, but also so cold, “It is not difficult to make a choice for one thing on the battlefield. You only need to remember two points…”

Remembering which two points he hadn’t said yet, he shot a shot at his arm in Ye Jian’s gaze.

Ye Jane knew that he would hurt himself, but he was not prepared, thinking that he would at least finish the words before he started Ye Jian because he suddenly shot, his hand slammed his heart position, and the pain was painful. .

The blood of the suffocating air, the calm voice of Xia Jinjin also came down again and again. “You only need to remember two points, one, the choice of right or wrong; the second, the choice of gain or loss.”

“Remember these two points. In the future, you can quickly make the most correct choice for yourself.” As long as she finds her shortcomings, Xia Jinyuan will only make one choice: tell her seriously and teach her.

The low sound of the gunshot sounds, compared with the gunshots that are now sweeping, the pistol bullets of the silencer are like a stone thrown into the pond, but it falls like a thunder in the ear.

(End of this chapter)

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