Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 2064 - I have no regrets

Chapter 2064, I have no regrets

Such a small gunshot sounded the leaves to the heart, hurting and hurting, too painful, hurting the heart seems to have a hole, there are countless chills out of the hole, cold to let her lick the heart The location also prevented the intrusion of the cold.

The **** suffocation floated to the tip of the nose, and in an instant, the tears of the eye-stricken eyes burst out.

This is the battlefield of blood, a battlefield that is cruel but must face.

Wearing the dark military uniform, you have to accept the cruel baptism of blood, and only accept the cruel baptism of blood to become a qualified soldier.

There was tears falling on the back of Xia Jinyuan’s hand. His fingers returned from the pistol and his fingers moved lightly. He did not comfort her. He only handed the gun to her hand and kept the calm and calm road: “I am ten minutes later.” They will be chased out, and you must complete the retreat within ten minutes. The speedboat stops only about eight minutes away from you.”

“Duan Anxin is returning to China, and antonio will not see me as a small person.”

This sentence he said to Ye Jian, he knows that she is worried, there is no need to say more than the extra words, the responsibility is, can only tell her … he will return safely.

Xia Jinyuan, who kept a light smile, patted the shoulders of the white crane lightly. “Protect the bluebird, safe, my comrade.”

“Reassured.” Baihe Zheng focused on the head, together, naturally go back together!

When he raised his hand and wanted to shoot Ye Jian’s shoulder, Ye Jian, who responded faster, had already held his hand.

She wants to say something first, but the heart is too painful, and the heart-like pain is twisted until she feels suffocated.

His arm is still bleeding, and the lower lip is biting out the leaves of the leaf. Jane keeps adjusting her breathing. She wants to hug him…. Especially thinking.

I thought about it, I hugged it.

In the face of the white crane, Ye Jane took out his hand that was clenched, and suddenly hugged the man who led him all the time.

Avoiding his gunshot wounds, hard, tight, for fear of losing his hug.

“I am waiting for you to come back, I will wait for you to come back, please be sure to come back.”

She did not ask for multiple injuries. She was afraid that she would cry when she opened her mouth.

Xia Jinyuan naturally embraced her and gently patted her back. The little fox hurt him.

“I will definitely come back safely. I said that I will always walk side by side with you.”

This is a man’s commitment to a woman, always with you, and never give up.

Tears fell into his collar, a drop of two drops… just a short hug, his collar had the water mark she shed. “Well, I remember, the summer team, every sentence you said, I can be good. Remember your heart.”

She cares a lot about him, and she cares that she can’t stay at his side and face the danger at this moment.

The heart is soft and watery, Xia Jinjin closed his eyes, side first, kissed her ear lightly and quickly, “Remember, if I have a word, I will dispose of it.”

“Hey, let go, it’s not good to hold it again.” He said with pity.

Perhaps his light kiss gave her strength, and perhaps because of his commitment to make her settle a lot, Ye Jian loosened his arm and turned his head to the white crane: “The walking has already hit the fourth bomb, and it will be late if you don’t leave.”

Her vigilance has never been relaxed, it is customary.

She tried very hard to control her emotions. The summer team she didn’t want to perform the task worried about her. She felt pain in her heart and let him see a strong self.

(End of this chapter)

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