Chapter 2069 Power

Xia Jinyuan told Ye Jian that the power of their three antoni0 was so great that even the regular government forces could not compete, and there was really no vain.

The three people coming out of the port, even if they passed the car prepared by the embassy, ​​they could not drive. The entire row of cars, regardless of the big car or the car wheel, were locked, and the red paint sprayed the name of “antonio”. The owners of these cars, destroying your car is not someone else, it is antonio.

“Abandon the car and go to the embassy.”

When he saw the car lock and red paint, he decided to go to the embassy.

According to the agreement, there will be a comrade in the car and then go to the airport together. Now there is no one in the car. The car is locked again. I don’t have to think deeply about the comrades who should stay.

The departure of the eagles undoubtedly told the three people who had not left, the situation was steep and had to go.

Ye Jian, who is in charge of vigilance, has seen the five people who have just passed away from the front returning from the front. They can illuminate the glare of 20 meters directly to their side, and they whispered “hidden”, three people back. Just like a wheel, one person and one car, slipped under the chassis of the car.

Most of the cars parked on the roadside of the port belong to the tourists who go to the island for sightseeing and accommodation. These people do not seriously search for the car under each car, and only use the strong light to sweep away. Looking for suspicious people.

The three people under the chassis watched a few pairs of big feet passing under the eyelids, and then disappeared from the chassis until the footsteps disappeared.

When I came out, the eagle had a pack of things in black plastic bags.

The three people who didn’t have time to open the view no longer stayed in the port, and left the sky with a light gray.

“The embassy is well prepared.” Walked out and took out a passport in a black plastic bag and shook it: “It’s half way to save it.”

The three of them had forged the boarding passport before the photo was still on their own body. The whole book was shredded with the rifle and equipment of the body and sank into the sea.

Now they have no other things besides a pistol, GPS positioning, daggers, and the clothes they wear.

The things prepared by the embassy solved the problem of the three people.

Bus cards, cash, mobile phones, passports, immigration cards, these five things enough for three people to travel through most of the city to the airport.

It was dawn, and the light golden light broke through the clouds to illuminate the city where sin and beauty coexist. On the streets, the vehicles screamed through the non-spacious streets and “hit” to where they needed to go.

Ye Jian, who has changed clothes, knows the city he is in with the help of the convenience store clerk, and then takes the breakfast of three people: chicken rolls and hot milk come out of the convenience store.

Walking, the white crane waited for her on the side of the road, one wearing a black short-sleeved T-shirt and one wearing a white short-sleeved T-shirt. At this time, the two people wearing casual clothes had no sharpness from the soldiers, and there was no difference between the tourists on the famous street. Holding the map is more than a stroke, and it seems to be discussed for the next place.

“The leaflets are out.” It seems that all the attention is on the map and the smile is talking and waving to Ye Jian.

The white crane with white short sleeves also smiled and looked at Ye Jian, and whispered and said: “My eyes are good, is the leaflet wearing this set very good?”

“Not bad.” Going nodded, really beautiful, refreshing and refreshing like a girl coming in the early morning, the eyes are pure, smiles like flowers, beautiful to look happy.

(End of this chapter)

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