Chapter 2070 Healing

The white crane from the wealthy family in the Jiangnan water town has a better aesthetic than his comrades. When Ye Jian took jeans and white T-shirts directly, he could not bear to look straight.

Can not help but ask her a “Do you like jeans, white T-shirt?”, Ye Jian only answered his two words: convenient.

The convenient word makes the white crane have a minimum of three seconds of sorrow. The girl he touches can toss for a few hours in order to dress up. He is even more fucking. He can start preparing for the first night for what to wear tomorrow.

Touching so many girls who spent time dressing and dressing, I heard Ye Jian’s “convenient” word, and Baihe did not react at all.

Soon he was relieved.

Ye Jian is not the girl he has contacted. Ye Jian is a soldier. Time is not a waste for military personnel. How to make it easy to pursue efficiency.

Finally, he picked up the clothes that are now worn on Ye Jian, a loose but especially legged brown cotton trousers, and a light blue-and-cotton loose short-sleeved dress, a pair of bohemian styles. I’m surprised that I’m wearing flat sandals and I’m wearing it on my body.

Waiting for her to change clothes, the white cranes are even more stunning.

It’s so beautiful! The tall, white, and delicate features contain a cold look, but there is a bit of tenderness between the corners of the eyes, and there is ice and fire-like temperament, which is extraordinarily charming.

Waiting for a round of colored plastic flower hats, it will be more playful.

Seeing that Ye Jian is still some distance from them, the white crane whispers: “The leaflet is a flower in our team, or it is a kind of one.”

“Life will be more exciting.”

There is a female soldier in the male army, isn’t life more exciting? There are many rules in private!

Ye Jian, who came on the sun, didn’t know that her comrades were discussing herself. When she handed the breakfast to the hands of two people, she asked and asked, “How is it better to go?”

There is no way to master the entire route. At least you have to know the approximate route. The map is the way they master the approximate route. This is convenient and can be escaped immediately.

“Transportation is convenient, but the urban roads are complicated, and the old drivers are estimated to be lost.” The white crane that rolled the map into his hand took a bite out of the chicken roll, paying attention to the surrounding environment and seeing a few arm tattooed totems, hitting a taxi hard. The glass window, the eyes are dull and whispered: “It seems that this street is not too flat, and walked and said.”

He understands the language here and clearly understands what these brawny said.

The dawn of Ye Jian is slightly dark, and the power of antonio has exceeded the imagination of the three. After that, the summer team after returning, is he still okay?

The shoulders were lightly patted, and the white crane said: “Go, go to the car.”

“Okay.” I will worry that the well-conceived Ye Jian did not let his comrades see the same, and smiled lightly on the taxi.

She believes in the ability of the summer team, but can’t believe that he can really retreat.

The taxi traveled less than three kilometers, and a turn blocked it, and the horn sounded more deafening.

When the car slowly slides, the three people will encounter several strong men who will hit the glass door hard. The taxi driver will put down the glass when the other party knocks on the first one, for fear that these people will ruin his car.

A strong man leaned against the window with one hand, and his eyes looked a little sloppy, and the white crane and long eagle behind him were also looked at by two strong men.

(End of this chapter)

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