Chapter 2071, biting teeth

It’s not just a taxi that was checked by them. In just less than ten kilometers, Ye Jian saw countless taxis being stopped by these people. Some people rebelled and shouted loudly, but it was useless. These people are still the same.

The only thing is good, they didn’t hurt people.

It’s also because of this, and the other party has not done anything too much. Just knocking on the window and asking the tourists in the car where to get on the bus, waiting where to go, talking to the driver, feeling that there is no problem. The car drove off.

Ye Jian, they stopped two times, and it was already two hours after arriving at the place designated by the embassy.

This is a two-story residential building with a two-story height. The ambassador who received them was a deputy ministerial ambassador. He was also an ambassador who kept in touch with the military. When he saw three people standing outside the door, his face was unmasked. The color of joy.

“It’s safe to be here, it’s safe to be here!” The ambassador was a middle-aged man in his early fifties, temperamental and elegant. He greeted the three people in the living room and he immediately made a cup of joy. Not fully convinced, “The country has been waiting for the news of three people. Now that the three are returning safely, the country is relieved.”

The military did not feel relieved. Major Yang received a phone call from Ye Jian. He heard her voice coming from the end. The generals who got up according to the steel cup slowly grasped the steel cup, and the heavy stone in the heart was completely put down.

“The next step is to follow the arrangement of the embassy and not to act without permission. Wait for the flight at 4 o’clock in the afternoon to fly back to the country. Also, there is no need to worry about Q King, we have our own people to act with him. You can rest assured.”

I read that in the leaf, I knew that the members of the Snowy Brigade still needed to sneak into the enemy camp to complete the task. The Major General could not help but explain one sentence. If you change to another person, you will not say a word.

Ye Jianjian even the teenagers comforted themselves, and my heart was awkward. She whispered: “I know, you don’t have to worry about me. He has his mission, I have my mission, we all have their own missions.” And work hard, waiting to return to the country to reunite.”

“That’s right.” Her words made the Major General unable to show a smile. The Jade Bird’s ability to accept is very strong, and the self-control ability is also very strong. At that time, she said that she would not hesitate to go. From this point, it can be seen. She is well aware of her responsibilities.

A soldier who knows his responsibilities will not let his country down.

As for Xia Jinyuan, I was afraid that there was a little trouble. The generals who hung up the phone showed a dignified face and how much to be hurt by the flesh.

A flesh wound will be a normal training for a soldier. If you bite your teeth, you will pass it over. Before going abroad, Xia Jinyuan knew what kind of criminals he would face, and he also had a heart. He will not be so easily defeated.

Now the military does not know his news. Some of them can’t contact him because of his J5, only waiting for him to take the initiative to contact the military.

As for when to contact J5, the ability of Xia Jinjin will not be able to spread the news within three days.

“Almighty King” can not be named at will!

When Ye Jian knew that Xia Jinjin’s news, she happened to accompany Chen’s principal to the hospital for review. Although President Chen was discharged from the hospital, her body was still traumatized and she was re-examined every month for half a year.

Sitting outside and waiting for Master Chen to check the familiar number, she has made two consecutive deep breaths when she presses the answer button.

(End of this chapter)

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